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Chapter 3 - BINGO

My jaw all but fell to the floor after Mrs

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My jaw all but fell to the floor after Mrs. Madden told me everything regarding my new position.

It was a live-in, so by the following week I'd be able to move in officially.

To say I was nervous would have been an understatement. I honestly couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but I had already been looking forward to spending more time with Rin.

It may have been because of all the changes my life was about to go through: getting a new job, moving to a new place, quitting the job at the restaurant. It had already left me feeling overwhelmed. But I wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.

After Mrs. Madden and I said our goodbyes that night, I went straight home and already began packing my things. I didn't have much, but I figured the sooner I got things packed, the easier the move would be. I was set to officially move in some time next week, but my first day was today.

I had just pulled out the key Mrs. Madden gave me when the door creaked open.

"Alek! You're here, and just in time! Come on in."

"Oh, hello. Thank you." I replied, smiling politely.

I was hit by the smell of pancakes as soon as I walked in, my stomach growling right on cue.

"Pancakes? I love pancakes!" I did a little skip, but then quickly remembered I had to act professional.

Giggling, Mrs. Madden replied, "Yes! Rin loves pancakes too and I just couldn't say no to his cute face when he came into my room this morning begging for some. Now, since today is Sunday, he doesn't have school so I figured you two could enjoy a lazy day together while I head off to work."

"Oh, you can't stay any longer? Have you had anything to eat?"

"Oh no, don't worry about me. I'll pick something up on the way. Thank you, Aleksander, for accepting this offer. I have a good feeling about you." Mrs. Madden's reassuring tone helped to ease my nerves, at least she believed in me. I can do this.

"Alek? You're here!" Both our heads turned in the direction of little Rin scrambling over to us, a big smile on his face and syrup dripping down the side of his mouth.

"Hello, Rin! Are you having a good day?" I bent down to his level.

"Yea! Did you see? Mommy made pancakes! I love pancakes!"

"Me too! Are you all stuffed now?"

"No, I'm not done. Come sit with me?" Rin tilted his head in question and I couldn't hold back my laugh.

"Of course! Come on, let's go have some pancakes!" I rose back up to Mrs. Madden, and offered her a smile.

"Go on then, we don't want you to be late. And don't worry, Rin's in good hands. He's a sweetheart."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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