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Things are going great. Could not be better. Magna adjusted to life at the Black Bulls quite well, if he does say so himself. He's made friends with his fellow squad members, went on missions, and was rewarded for his good work. The Captain kind of unofficially took him under his wing, taking him around with him and put him in charge of a couple missions here and there. He was even allowed to take his newly modified Crazy Cyclone out for a ride for this one. He's doing some good work out there. Before he knows it, he'll be racking up stars and climbing up the social ladder. Even nature is celebrating this good day with him. The sun's rays beat down on him gently, the clouds paint the vibrant blue sky in sparse streaks, the wind whipping past him feels pleasantly cool... and there's an impending sense of danger coming from directly behind him.

There's a small lightning bolt flicked in his direction, and it grazes the side of his face narrowly as he dodges it. He turns back to glare at Luck, who only looks at him innocently. The arm wrapped around his waist tightens, threatening to drag him down if he ever acts on his thoughts of shoving the other boy off. As if to iterate his point, he wraps his other arm around him as well in a bit of a hug. It's the most threatening hug he's ever received, that's for sure.

"Are we there yet, Magna?" He asks simply, now that he's gotten his attention. Prick.

"This is the third fucking time you've asked in the last ten minutes." Magna rolls his eyes, pointedly prying his gaze away and looking straight forward. "No, dumbass, we're not there yet. Almost, though."

"Aw." He may not be looking at Luck, but he can perfectly hear how much he's pouting right now. For some reason, he feels a sudden urge to face him just to see it. He can't, because he can see the entrance of the dungeon amidst some trees in the distance. "Your broom sucks. It's too slow, stupid."

"She has a name and she's perfectly fine as is, thank you." He huffs, feeling oddly defensive. That's his baby, dammit. "You can't complain when you're hitching a ride."

"I'm only here because you won't let me run." Luck's fingers play with the fabric of his robe absentmindedly. It's something he's grown used to. "I'm faster, you know."

"And what, use up all your mana before you even get to the dungeon?"


He leans his head back so he can knock it lightly against Luck's. "You're dumb. This is why Captain put me in charge."

They fall quiet for a bit, and he scans the area around them. The midday sun shines over the lush forest, the trees not too tall but are rather densely packed. There's a massive gaping hole in the ground seemingly lined in old stone bricks, and from above it looks like a bottomless void. Aside from that, there doesn't seem to be any immediate danger around so he starts looking for a place to land. The flora looks too thick for him to drop them off any closer to the dungeon, so he settles on a small clearing nearby. He slows down and lowers them to the ground carefully, listening to the other boy grumbling about how long he's taking.

Magna doesn't say anything about the way Luck's arms around him tighten just a bit too much to be considered casual. He doesn't say anything about the way his touch lingers for just a moment too long to be considered accidental. He simply gets off his broom and pats himself down to smooth out the creases on his clothes. They weave through the cluster of trees and walk towards the dungeon entrance, with Magna running his hands along the bark of some of them and charring them slightly to serve as markers. Before he knows it, they're standing at the precipice and looking down at the crumbling path leading further into the dungeon. He can feel Luck's excitement rolling off him in literal sparks.

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