inside his head

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[your pov.. yea, again]

i wake up in some void? some weird space? it was really colourful, with like, spacey colours. except there weren't any stars. i was definitely not in space then. something that also helps me know that im not in space is that there were a ton of.. floating 90s TVs everywhere. hey.. those TVs looked familiar.

TV guy appeared in front of me. somehow he's way taller than he used to be. (hey that rhymes lol)

i stared at him. well, he is a 90s TV himself, so maybe this is his home or something? are these his siblings or like what? he spoke up.

"welcome to my head! you looked really tired so i took you away from reality for a while. another way of saying i kidnapped you for a good reason."

that is definitely the strangest reason why anyone would kidnap someone. at least he didn't mean any harm.

"away from reality? gosh, yea thanks i was actually getting a little stressed." i said that because lately, my employees weren't able to do their usual routines as well as they used to. it caused my ratings to go down to 4.5. i mean, that's still good, but really id like it to keep at 5. i have loads of competitors you know.. and now they're missing! where did they even go?

he didn't say any more. i decided to ask him a few questions.

"is this like.. a fantasy world? where even are we?"

"in my head."

what? what the hell?


"don't worry about it."

okay you're making me worry.

but whatever

"why are there so many floating TVs??"

"you're in a TV, obviously there should be TV channels."

okay that was kind of expected.

i decided that was enough questions. i.. somehow sat down in the empty space.

"..want to play like, a card game or something?" he said.

"lol sure"


we ended up playing uno. he was surprisingly good at it. i swear to god he's cheating.

Mr. Puzzles: places down a red 4 "Uno."
Myself: did not have any reds, so placed down a blue 4
Mr. Puzzles: places down a blue 2.

half the games went like that. he actually must be cheating. i mean, this is his head. he can probably manipulate everything in here.


after relaxing in his head, i eventually was back to reality. he walked me to channel 999, and then we both went back to reality.

i stood over a 90s TV. seems to be.. him, maybe? suddenly his arms and legs and whole torso came out of the bottom of the TV. that caught me off guard, just a little though. not ENOUGH to fall OVE-

he accidentally pushed me onto the floor. what the fuck dude

[time skip - after you scold him for being a dick]

after changing back to my usual clothes backstage, we took down the tent. we were supposed to move to another town in a week but my other employees weren't here. i still have no idea where they went. guess that'll be a mystery to solve eventually.

we parted ways.

i went home and decided to watch some TV.

i turned it on.


holy fuck what the he-

(he might be having a sleepover at your house. where else would he stay?? he's probably homeless- i meant, harmless)

566 words

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