Chapter nineteen

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I dream of Maya calling out my name, her voice contorted with fear and pain

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I dream of Maya calling out my name, her voice contorted with fear and pain.

At first, I don't hear her. I'm in my parents' kitchen, playing beer pong with faceless people. I'm having the time of my life.

Once I do notice, her cries become more urgent. I try to rush upstairs, but people keep stepping in my way as if a herd of partygoers decided to migrate from the living room to the kitchen just then. Eventually, I make it to the stairs, but no matter how long I keep running up them, I never seem to get closer to the top.

She's practically shrieking, and I'm tearing myself apart to get to her when the noises change. Suddenly, it's a man yelling, his voice sharp and clear with anger in a way that feels too vivid for this dream of heartbreaking, distorted agony - and oddly familiar.

When Maya is ripped from my arms, my eyes fly open, and I'm out of bed in one fluid motion, blinking away the dream.

I'm still in her bedroom. I was supposed to leave last night once she fell asleep, but my mind was whirring with what she'd told me, my body practically vibrating, and the only thing that brought me any comfort was holding Maya. So I just kept doing that until I eventually slipped into a fitful sleep. I doubt I've gotten more than a few hours.

I take a precious second to assess the situation. Maya has her back to me, and a man has her by the shoulders, still yelling. Adrenaline is pumping too hard in my ears to understand what he's saying, and on instinct, I slip my arm around Maya's waist, pulling her close and maneuvering her behind me so I'm between her and whoever this is.

I'm still groggy from sleep, trying to piece together who could have gotten into her house and with what intention - though I know he'll have to get through me to get to her. I couldn't protect her in the dream, and I failed to do so six years ago, but I sure as hell can do it now.

Then, I look into the face of the guy in front of me, and I instantly relax, a smile breaking through my panic. "Trent? Hey, man-"

I don't get further before his fist connects with my face, and I stumble back a step. Maya yelps, grasping my arms in an attempt to steady me.

"Stop!" Maya yells, but neither of us pays her any attention as I throw my hands up in surrender, palms facing him.

"Woah, man. What the hell?"

"You piece of shit!" Maya's brother exclaims, a vein throbbing in his forehead. "She's been back in the country for a few months, and already you're playing her again!"

I have no idea what he's talking about.

"Trent," Maya gasps, her fingernails digging into my bicep.

"Do you want her to leave again? Huh? After the shit you pulled made her run the first time?"

He moves towards me again, arm pulling back, and every instinct tells me to protect Maya, but suddenly, she slips out from behind me, stepping between us.

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