Chapter 9: Challenged Authority.

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"The key to successful leadership is influence not authority."

-Kenneth H. Blanchard


Really, what the hell is going on? I only wanted to wake up normally in the morning, go to school, go back home, and go to bed. All my workouts are catching up to me as my entire body feels sore. Why am I getting so much attention all of the sudden?

"How may I help you, student council president."

"Please, don't call me like that. I'd like us to be on equal terms."

"Since when exactly?"

After classes ended, right as I stepped out of the classroom, The student council president Takuto-Senpai greeted me. Naturally, the surroundings grew noisy as a result of that, and I got all sorts of gazes roughly translating to 'What kind of business would he have with that guy?'. The girls raised cheers, whereas Koga and Murata looked at me with curious eyes. The hell?

"I won't take much of your time. Can you just come with me for a second."

"What would happen if I said no?"

"It's in your best interest not to Wataru-kun I can promise you that.."

The way he said that pissed me off. Is he picking a fight? With this many people watching and probably siding with him I'd be at a disadvantage. I should just go with him and see what he wants..

"Fine I'll go.."

"Excellent.. are you going to tell the lovely girl behind you?"


In confusion, I looked behind me. After confirming who I was looking at, I still blinked a few times. There was Aika reaching out for me with her hand, looking at Takuto-senpai in shock. If I had to guess, she must have missed her timing to speak up.

"What's wrong, Aika? Is this about before?"

"Um.. I uh-"

Quite some time has passed since the afternoon. She might still be thinking about what we did. Still though she was taking a long time and to many people were watching. I should wrap this up.

"I'll let you gather your thoughts Aika and we can talk later. Let's go, Senpai."

"After you."

I turned around towards Senpai. Takuto-senpai is quite the annoyingly handsome dude, so it wouldn't be surprising for Aika to freeze up seeing him.

After that, while watching the roughly 180cm tall guy of a Senpai walk next to me, it felt like I grew another 30cm myself.


What is expected from the student council president? To possess a sense of boundaries with your underclassmen. However, with Tokuto-senpai's consistent obsession with talking to me, an average student who so far has not done anything to warrant his attention he's not fit to be the student council president...

We walked down the connecting passage between the two buildings, up on the third floor. There is a ceiling, but both walls to our sides were open, letting a faint south breeze hit my cheeks. But, because we were in the shadows of the sunlight, it wasn't necessarily warm or anything. When I looked down to the right of me, I could see students making their way home. All of them looked happy that they were freed from school.

"Sorry to suddenly call you over like that, Wataru-kun."

"I'm not a fan of fake apologies.."

What is this guy up to?

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