❀Episode 1❀

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**✿❀ Evelyn's POV ❀✿**

Six months had passed since the riot rocked Asther. Afterward, Lucas took control and called himself king. I, Evelyn Ian Zachary, tried hard to tell everyone about his lies, but nobody listened. Some were tempted by Lucas's promises of riches and power, while others were scared of what he might do to them if they spoke up.

Lucas's power spread like a disease, corrupting Asther. He used his money and friends to silence anyone who opposed him, even spreading lies about me. People who dared to challenge him lost their jobs, their homes, or worse, their lives.

I tried to get support from people of Asther, hoping they'd join me in standing up to Lucas. But he was always one step ahead, stopping any rebellion before it could even start. He paid off my friends, turning them against me. Anyone who believed me faced Lucas's anger.

As time passed, Lucas's control over Asther grew stronger. He said I was crazy and locked me up in the palace, pretending it was for my own good. But I knew it was just a way to keep me quiet.

Locked away, I felt alone and scared. Lucas's presence was like a dark cloud hanging over me, a constant reminder of the unfairness of it all. But deep down, I refused to give up hope. I wouldn't let Lucas win. I'll get revenge for my family and all those innocent people that he killed that day


"Your Highness, it's a request," Anna spoke up, her voice filled with concern. "Please, you must have something to eat. You look pale, and you'll collapse if you keep this up."

"Anna, I'm no longer a princess," I sighed, feeling the weight of my new reality. "You can stop calling me that. And I'm not feeling well, but you go ahead and have dinner without me."

"You were, and always will be, the princess of Asther."  Anna said firmly
"Thank you for staying by my side, Anna," I said, grateful for her unwavering support.

Just then, the announcement rang out: "All Rise! His Majesty Lucas Maximilian is arriving."

A knot formed in my stomach at the sound of Lucas's name. I didn't want to face him right now. Pushing myself up from the bed, I felt my feet wobble beneath me. Anna was right—I should have eaten something.

I greeted Lucas as he entered, not out of acceptance, but out of necessity. He wore the same regal attire my father used to wear. The black military dress adorned with badges and the royal robe passed down through generations. It was said to hold the blessings of the ancient Phoenix, but I wondered if those blessings would work on someone like Lucas?

"Must be dull cooped up in this room, huh, ex-princess?" Lucas roamed around my cold chamber before settling onto a plush sofa. With a smirk, he reminded me of his newfound power. Every glimpse of his face resurrected painful memories, flooding back with each breath.

"Lucas, I—" I started, but he swiftly interjected, asserting his regal status."It's not Lucas anymore, dear Evelyn. I'm Asther's king now. Show some respect," he sneered, his gaze brimming with malice.

"Respect?" I echoed, my bitterness evident."Sure, Your Majesty," I retorted, masking my frustration with a wry smile. "I doubt we're close enough for long chats. So, May I Know what brings you here?"Lucas approached, his eyes chilling.

"So dear Evelyn, I've come to inform you of your impending marriage in two days. start packing your belongings, my dear." he announced, as if it was nothing. My world spun beneath me.

"Married? In two days? Are you serious, Lucas?" I couldn't believe my ears. "How dare you dictate my future without consulting me!" I seethed, unable to suppress my rage.

"You should be thankful, Eve," Lucas scoffed, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Who else would marry a 'mad' woman like you?

"First of all, Lucas Maximilian, DO NOT CALL ME EVE. You have no right to use the name my loved ones once called me," I shouted, disregarding any consequences.

Lucas chuckled loudly, seemingly relishing my distress. "Oh, my dear Evelyn, okay. But I do consider you my only FAMILY" he added, the word 'family' sounding like a curse from his lips. I loathed it. we could never be family.

"Who are you selling me to?" I locked eyes with him, tears welling up, my entire body trembling with anger. I couldn't fathom this feeling, but I wanted nothing more than to eliminate the person standing before me.

"You'll find out soon enough," he leaned in, a smirk playing on his lips. "Why spoil the surprise?"

"Shut up and tell me," I retorted sharply.

Lucas chuckled darkly once more. "Arthur Von Bernadotte, The Grand Duke of North. You know about him, right, my dear?" My heart sank. He was the Warlord, infamous for his cold demeanor and brutality. I was at a loss for words, meeting Lucas's gaze. "Do you think you can dispose of me like this???"

"Don't worry, Evelyn," Lucas reassured, his tone laced with menace. "He won't lay a hand on you. Despite his reputation as the mad dog of the North, his actions are under my control. So, my dear, savor your days as a Duchess in the northern empire." With a tap on my shoulder, he smirked. I simply shrugged, unable to muster a response. His laughter echoed through the room as he exited, leaving me alone in turmoil.


As midnight approached, I dismissed Anna, craving solitude. Seated on the floor, my back against the corner of the bed, I found myself enveloped in darkness and chill. I had believed I could outsmart Lucas, bide my time, and strike back when the moment was right. But I was wrong. Lucas always stayed a step ahead.

Now, he planned to wed me off to Arthur, the Grand Duke of the North—a man known as "Maddog," the grim Warlord. I recalled the day he visited Asther to meet my father. The palace fell silent in his presence; no one dared to cross his path. My father's tense expressions spoke volumes, hinting at the threats Arthur had posed.

I couldn't fathom why Arthur agreed to marry me. What hidden desires drove him? My mind raced with questions, but exhaustion weighed heavily upon me. Darkness closed in, my eyelids drooping, vision blurring, until finally, I surrendered to the embrace of deep sleep.

**✿❀To Be Continued❀✿**

Hi everyone, Hope you all are enjoying. Just to let you know English isn't my first language and it takes me ages to write these episodes because I write a draft first and then go around read literature and then do changes accordingly also as this is historical royal fantasy book It takes me ages to properly write in royal etiquettes 😅 So please pardon me for any mistake.

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