Vol. 3 Chp. 9: A Break

781 43 8

'Italic': Notebook
'Bold': Sign language

Our classmates gathered around me and Horikita.

"Su.. Suzune, how are you feeling?"

Sudou spoke hesitantly but approached Horikita by calling her by her first name.

"Not too bad. I can't say that I am in perfect condition yet."

"Don't worry about it."

It seemed like Horikita naturally accepted to be called by her first name. That was unexpected.

"By the way, Sudou. Do not call me Suzune without my permission, got it?"

"Oops... Understood."

She didn't accept it. Sudou had no other choice but to bow in agreement.

"But what is the meaning of this? How did Class D get the 1st place? Class A and C got disqualified."

"That's right. How did this happen, Hirata? I do not get it at all!"

"Karuizawa-girl, I can explain that," Kouenji said.

"Silent-kun asked this perfect being to record a fight and theft," Kouenji said.

"I wanted to apologize to all the guys. I learned that Ibuki was the one who stole my underwear. I heard it all about it from Horikita."

A lot of the guys were surprised to hear Karuizawa apologize.

"Horikita, you realized that Ibuki was the thief, and you questioned her, so she tried to escape, didn't she? I was told that you pushed yourself even though you were sick from Kagurazaka."

I had Matsushita translate my sign language to Karuizawa.

Horikita turned to me, startled by Karuizawa's unexpected words.

"Thank you, Horikita-san and Kagurazaka-kun. Because of you, we were able to get a high amount of points," Karuizawa said.

Having said this, Karuizawa returned immediately close to the other girls.

I felt awkward getting praised by my classmates. I slowly snuck away only to get caught by Chabashira-sensei.

"Can I have a few words with you?"

I nodded.

I walked to the ship's opposite side so Chabashira-sensei could take the lead. People were entirely out of sight here. When there was silence, she started speaking.

"Firstly, let me say what you did was admirable and impressive," Chabashira-sensei complimented.

'I wasn't the only one that did a good job.'

"Kagurazaka-kun... During the exam, I received a call. A man wanted... No, he demanded that you drop out."

A man?

I looked at Chabashira-sensei with confusion.

'I wouldn't have any idea who this man is.'

Chabashira-sensei briefly stared at me, "Don't worry; I'm not going to expel you unless you have done something terrible."

'I see.'

"Are you sure you have no idea who this man would be?" Chabashira-sensei asked.

I shook my head.

"I believe you... I'm telling you that it happened."

A man wants me to drop out... Why?

I headed immediately back to my room. A tired Hirata was lying, sleeping in the room. I changed my clothes quietly to the corridor to not wake him up.

COTE: A Mute GuyWhere stories live. Discover now