Fortuna's Progeny

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"You do realize you could've sold your clothes for a lot." Khirtis reiterated his point for the third time. "Something is wrong with you for signing up to a literal death game without learning anything about it."

Layla rolled her eye irritated and replied, "And you said I talked too much! For the millionth time, I GET IT! I just wanted to be comfy while I played. Who could've guessed a game would clone our real-world clothes inside??"

A common practice for rookies in Yvestell was hawking the clothes they spawn in for a few silvers - a small fortune for those under level 25, who typically dealt in coppers. The few silver coins they earn could be traded for sturdy gear, and stronger weapons. And if the players did their research, they would have leftover for consumables and trinkets.

Layla's voice dropped to a hushed tone, tinged with suspicion and asked, "Just how far is Analdon? My gut is telling me you're luring me into some sort of trap... somewhere nefarious."  She clutched the hem of her shirt and whispered, "He wants to have his way with me I bet..."

"Layla, please. We are out of the forest, walking on a clear path straight to the town. Which is called ANCLADON BY THE WAY." Khirtis corrected her, turning to her and playfully pinching her cheeks. As the blonde girl tried to fight back, Khirtis noticed a blue blip appearing at the edge of the area discovered on his map, courtesy of his unique vision.

"Wait, I think there's someone up ahead." Khirtis announced, extending his arms in front of Layla blocking her. She looked down the path, seeing nothing, and pushed his arm aside. "I think it's you who's wrong in the head, seeing phantoms in every bush since we started walking." she teased.

Khirtis verified his map again, and confident in his senses said, "Believe me, I know." They walked up to a curve and as they creeped to check, they see a man cloaked in navy, standing solemnly beside a broken-down wagon. Layla arched an eyebrow, "Is this some special skill of yours?"

"..." he remained silent, ignoring her question and kept his gaze on the man ahead. Khirtis thought of sharing his [Eye of Helix] with her earlier but realized the potential perils that could come with opening up. Despite their brief companionship, trust wasn't something to be given easily.

"Hmph! Whatever." Layla emerged from their cover, taunting, "I've got my own secrets," her tongue peeking out at Khirtis before walking toward the man in blue.

Khirtis reached out to grab her hands, but she evaded his grasp. "Hey! Wait!" he hissed, but she continued her stride. It was then that he realized he hadn't used [Eye of Helix] on another player. Layla's mention of a mystery piqued his curiosity.

Khirtis focused on her name, and whispered, "Eye of Helix," activating his skill.

-The Eye that perceives through the veil-

-Target: Player-

-Comparison: Higher level; Lesser Accolades-

-Conclusion: 50% of Player character sheet is viewable-

<Varmin Layla> - Lv. 2

XP - 69/210

HP - 140

Attribute Points (2)

Vitality - 15

Strength - 10

Agility - 20

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