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The brown tall tom rushed through the clearing politely pushing other cats out the way. He looked around until he saw the nursery.

"Pinestar come quick! Your kits are here!" Fuzzypelt mewed from the nursery.

Pinestar's fur fluffed up and happily bounced over. When he arrived he saw three beautiful kits, the one that caught his eye however was the brown tabby tom. Leopardfoot smiled at him.

She flicked her ear, "Isn't he just adorable?"

"Indeed. But all of them are just perfect." Pinestar meowed back, "Well, Leopardfoot, what will you name them? Its all up to you, of course, your the mother."

Leopardfoot pondered for a second and smiled. She put her paw on the dark tabby kitten, and her eyes shined. 

"Nightkit, Mistkit, and of course.. Tigerkit."

"Perfect."  Pinestar relaxed, he laid next to his mate and licked her ear affectionately.

After a moon the kits opened their eyes. Tigerkit was the smallest, and weakest. Nightkit always talked down on him, but always for teasing. They were best of friends. Mistkit was interested in herbs and such, even going far as to pretend play curing her littermates of illnesses. Leopardfoot and Pinestar were the happiest with the litter. They couldn't ask for anything more or less.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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