Part 1

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Walking into the club, I'm with my two friends that I met a month ago. California used to be my home until my long term boyfriend had gotten a better job and he asked me to move in with him. I was ecstatic, the two us being together for a little over three years. So of course I said yes.

I moved away from my friends and family so my boyfriend could chase his dreams but isn't that what partners do? Sacrifice for the others happiness? It didn't take me long to make some new friends, meeting Alexa and Riley at our local coffee shop. Meeting them felt like a breath of fresh air as I've been cooped up with Ryan for the past two months, only ever getting to video call my old friends and family.

So when the girls suggested a night on the town, I was more than happy to go. Ryan is trusting, he never tries to cage me and even encouraged me to go out with them. So here we are at one of the most famous night clubs in this city, with me wondering how we were even able to get in. This night club is supposed to be really high end, only rich and famous people being the only ones to get in.

Stepping into the club, the music is loud, drowning out any background noise. There must be hundreds of people here, everyone dancing and griding on each other. Everybody is dressed up for the occasion, the women looking extremely beautiful and the men hot. Alexa and Riley are both single, they already told me they would be looking for some hotties. I'm just here to dance and have some fun with my friends.

"Let's go the bar!" Alexa shouts from next to me. With everything going on in my life right now, a drink is needed. We hold each others hand as we try to push through the crowd, the club being so crowded that everybody is back to back, bodies less than an inch from touching.

Finally making it to the bar, the girls and I have a seat on the stools waiting for the bartender to notice us. While we wait, I turn my body to scan the crowd, wanting to look and see where everything is. The place is beautiful, nicely decorated with an upstairs balcony. Turning once again at the sound of my friend saying my name, I begin to order my drink when I suddenly feel eyes on the back of my head.

It's unsettling honestly, feeling a pair of eyes watching your every move as you try to something. "I'll take a rum and coke." I tell the bartender before I turn my body once again, my eyes scanning my surroundings for anyone who could be looking at me.

But there's too many people here, the pair of eyes could be coming from anywhere. I look around once more, my eyes stopping on a few men staring at me but there stare isn't as intense as the one I felt.

"You okay, Lucy?" Riley asks, her eyes looking concerned as she rests a hand on my shoulder. So quickly did Riley and I become close, I almost consider her a best friend by now.

"Yeah, it just feels like someone's watching me." I admit, scanning the room one last time before turning back to my friend. "Let's just go have some fun."

The next two hours is spent with us dancing, throwing back drinks as if we're teenagers again. It's the most fun I've had in a while and I can feel myself letting loose as the drinks hit. There was a couple of guys who approaches us and I let the girls have their fun, telling the one man who tried to dance with me that I have a boyfriend to which he looked disappointed.

A couple of times while dancing I could feel the intense stare on me again, their eyes burning holes into the back of my head. Each time I would turn to seek out the person, the feeling would immediately go away and I was left wondering who it could be.

Turning my body with a slight sway to my steps, I notice my friends dancing with the guys again, both of them laughing as the men whisper things in their ears. Deciding not to be a third wheel, I begin to make my way back over to the bar needing another drink.

Sitting on one of the stools, the bartender nods my way, letting me know he'll be with me in a moment. Setting my empty glass down on the table, I begin to feel dizzy, my eyes unable to focus. Telling myself maybe I don't need anymore drinks because of these feelings, I stand up, ready to make my back to my friends.

But my legs are not working correctly, twisting and turning so I'm almost falling down with every movement. My eye sight is becoming worse, the crowd turning into blurry bodies. A couple of people scoff in disgust as I almost fall into them as I try and fail to keep my balance.

For a brief second, I see my friend Riley and begin to try and make my way to her when the man from earlier comes next to me, grabbing my arm. He holds me up, his face close to mine. "Lucy, are you okay?" He seems genuinely concerned as he holds me so I'm standing straight up, no longer heading towards the floor.

"I need to get back to my friends." I say, my speech slurred. Something is incredibly wrong, I shouldn't be feeling like this after just a few drinks.

"I'll bring you." He says and I look up at his face again, but this time his smile has turned into a grin, as if he knows something I don't.

Looking up, he's leading me towards the exit and away from my friends. Trying my best to move away from him, his grip tightens on my arm, dragging me as I struggle to keep up and pull away. "Let me go." My mind is hazy, the strength leaving my body as I keep trying to pull away to no avail.

I look around for help but no one is paying attention to us and if they are, they don't show it. "Help." I call out weakly, the sound of the music drowning my voice out.

We come to a sudden stop and I look up to see a tall muscular man standing in front of us, his body blocking the exit. His stare is hard, menacing as he stares at the man dragging me. I'm unable to hold myself up any longer, slinking to the floor with his hand still tight around my arm. I'm unable to hear what the two men are saying to each other as I stare at the floor, the dizziness making me feel the need to puke.

The grip on my arm loosens and I look up to see the man who was dragging me walking away with his hands held up. The guy who blocked the exit grabs me then, pulling me up so I'm standing in front of him, his arms the only thing keeping me from falling. I can barely make out his face, the dizziness overwhelming my whole body, my eyes extremely fuzzy. His frown is the last thing I see before I pass out.

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