What is life?

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Riding the train home,

Putting back my headphone,

Feeling dead inside,

I think back to - what is life.

Does it mean to just exist?

Or there is some   twist?

They say it is biology. 

But is there some philosophy?

Aren't we just mere creatures? 

"No" , the silent night whispers.

Who am I?  Why am I here?

At the starless sky I stare.

Am I all cells and genes? 

Are there feels and needs?

A living pole or an old soul?

If so, then what is my role?

Waking up and toiling around?

Sitting down, I only frowned.

The fire of my passion douse.

My wandering thoughts search a house.

Getting down, I trudge the stairs.

Stumbling forward, I miss some steps. 

My eyes see an uncanny sight.

A pair of eyes, looking so right. 

A ball of fur, coated in gold.

Stares at me with eyes so bold. 

Eager running and exciting bark.

The air around me feels the spark. 

Down I bend and catch the dog,

Already attached, I get so shocked.

Did I find a long lost friend?

It's an assault to my tear gland.

Lonely before, I feel so complete.

My broken pieces start to heal. 

Oh, I feel so ecstatic.

I realise it's all magic. 

Such a peculiar meeting,

But it feels so contending.

I was bound with nihilism.

Now, I splurge on optimism.

We humans can feel so lost.

Intent of life is questioned by most.

Focused on reading between the lines.

Let's wait for our stars to align.

Why not have faith in the divines?

Care is what mould lives.

To cherish what I got today, 

I build a home for stray. 


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