Chapter one

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Michael's pov//

Author's note: this story is in his pov because this is his journal..have fun!


Journal entry #17..

Her touch is warm...I'm not used to this. I hate it when miss Jane touches me...Not that I was being sexually touched or anything but miss Jane his current hovering over my shoulder, reading this as I wrote her hand placed on my back, rubbing small circles...her touch doesn't feel good. Not how she touches me..I see her every night, I let her in when she taps on my window...her touch is cold. it hurts, but I love it when she holds me, kisses me, touches me, strokes me..

miss Jane is looking at me weird now but I don't care..I don't need a therapist. Schizophrenia doesn't fucking make me crazy. So what if I see a ghost? So what if she's my girlfriend? That doesn't make me crazy. She isn't trying to hurt me. She makes me feel loved, that's all that matters. Even if her touch feels like frostbite and it irritates my skin...I'll happily keep the hives. Her nails are sharp and keep me on edge... it's like she controls me, I'd do anything for her...I just wish I could see her longer.

I closed the journal as miss Jane stares at me. "What?" I say with a scowl, I wasn't all that good looking not that it really matters or is relevant I'm just stating for whatever freak finds this journal after I'm gone. Not saying you know- I'll kill myself- I mean- maybe but not right now. Anyways, as miss Jane walks over, running her slender fingers through my hair, I hated when she touched me but I knew what she was going to ask for.."did you ask your mother about my raise sweetheart? You know I need it very much.." she would whisper the last part in my ear while unbuttoning the top button of her blouse to show cleavage..her breasts weren't that much of a work of art but I couldn't advert my eyes anyway, she knew how to bribe me. "Yes..she said if I improve then you'll get it.."  I mumble against her skin letting my face bury deeper into her breasts...not that I was a pervert or anything...I hated how warm her flesh was. I liked Amber more..mmhh..Amber.. I think as I trail off into thought pretending miss Jane's touch was Amber's instead. I wish I was back home now...but miss Jane was too busy trying to bribe me into giving me her my pocket money- blabbing on about how a woman's touch could change a man- which got me thinking.

I wish Amber and I would go all the way..maybe she's finally take her clothes of...let me see things...let me...feel.. things..

Surely by now you're thinking "he's definitely crazy why would he be thinking about knocking up a ghost? A hallucination. Who the hell would want to be inside that-"  uh- me- thanks now stop judging.

I finally got miss Jane off me by giving her the money in my wallet and stood up, I towered over her and ran my fingers through my messy black hair, just trying to get her scent out of it..trying to get her gross japanese cherry blossom scent off of me..and the worst part? It was this cheap pheromones shit she kept trying on me, not even for me to get horny but so she could take advantage n take my money...much like how she does now..anyway. I hate the smell.

I finally got home and immediately turned the lights off, making it pitch black..and I just sat in bed in my pajamas now waiting for the tap tap tap of my love asking to come in...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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