Chapter 9: The revelation

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Few hours later, the surgery theater's door pushed open and Madison and her mother rushed to receive the anticipated news about Mandy.

“Doctor! What's wrong with Mandy?” Madison asked in desperation with her mother urging her by the side. They both looked at the Doctor with wide eyes and anxious faces.

The doctor sighed and said, “I told you earlier that your daughter has atrial septal defect which means she has a hole in her heart. I also told you the severity of her case and the need to pay for surgery as soon as possible. Well, she is a critical condition now, I had to put her in a medically induced coma for now but she needs to be operated on within 48hours”

Madison and Joyce's heart sunk when they heard the doctor. Mandy was in a critical condition and needed surgery within 48 hours, that means they have to pay up for surgery quickly. Where would they see the millions of money to pay for the surgery?

“Doctor, please… I need your help, I don't have that type of money now but I promise to pay every dime… if you could just …” Joyce pleaded with fresh tears flowing down her already swollen eyes and her hands clasped together.

“I'm sorry, please try to make payment on time so I can operate on her” the doctor said before leaving.

Seeing the doctor dismiss her, Joyce broke down in a new batch of tears while Madison held her with quiet tears. She was heartbroken and felt angry at her step sister, Dana and her step mother, Micheala. If only they had given her the money, Mandy wouldn't have gotten in such a position. She felt extremely guilty for failing her family and marrying a douche bag for nothing.

“Mama, I'm going to find a way, please don't cry.. please. I'll go to father's house and this time I have had enough of their games, I get the money and come to pay” Madison said with renewed determination as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She led her mother to the bench to seat down before storming out of the hospital, she made the decision to come back with the money or don't come back at all.

In a few minutes, she was in front of her father's luxurious house. She walked into the house and just when she was about to call out Dana or her mother when she heard hushed voices in her father's study and walked towards the direction of the noise.

“That foolish Madison, she must still be waiting for her payment” Michaela said and burst into laughter to which Dana laughed along too.

“She is just so gullible, she actually married a man she has never met just because we promised her some money” Dana said, amusement clear in her voice.

“She's going to wait her lifetime for that money not knowing that we put it into better use and that is our shopping spree…” Micheala said and they both squealed and giggled like teenagers.

Madison felt her legs go weak and she staggered backwards at little. They were never planning on giving her the money and had in fact spent it already, how could they be so cruel?

Madison was mad, furious and livid now, she walked to the door and pushed it open with force to reveal Dana and her mother having a chill time. They were shocked to see her there but they tried to act composed.

“Hey, wretch. So you can now barge into this house like you own it?” Michaela asked harshly.

“This is my father's house and I have the right to go in and out whenever I please” Madison fired back. There was no point in holding back to smooth their ego.

“Watch your mouth, Madison. Looks like you don't want to treat your hospitalized sister anymore” Dana spat out.

“Oh please, you mean the money you squandered to update your wardrobe?” She retorted.

They seem quite taken aback to see that Madison had found out the truth but they recovered quickly and put on a nonchalant face. “So now, you are eavesdropping on conversations?” Dana asked.

“Is that the point right now? The main issue now is that, you used money meant for a sick person to fund your extravagant lifestyle, how can you be this wicked? You should be ashamed of yourself” Madison burst out in anger.

“How dare you come in here to insult us? You have overstayed your welcome, leave” Micheala said.

“Of course I'll leave. I don't wanna be in the same room with monsters anyway. And just so you know, if anything happens to my sister, her blood will be on you both heads”

“Security!!!” Dana called out loudly twice and a bulky man walked into the study room.

“Please take this mad woman out of the house” she ordered.

The man nodded and came close to Madison, he grabbed her by the shoulders before saying, “Right this way please”

No matter how much Madison thrashed, the man's firm grip stayed on her as he dragged her out of the room.

“Let me go… I won't spare them if anything happened to my sister” she said loudly.

Dana and Michaela watched her in delight, this was exactly what they wanted, for her to crack and get to her lowest point. They watched her till she was dragged out of their sight and taken outside the gate. After putting her outside, he entered inside, locked the gate and left.

All Madison's anger turned into tears and she start on the pavement to let it all out.

“Mama, I'm going to find a way, please don't cry.. please. I'll go to father's house and this time I have had enough of their games, I get the money and come to pay”

She remembered her promise to her mother and the tears increased. How could she return to the hospital with no money? What would be Mandy's fate?

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