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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading Sea Stars and Wishes. This idea came to me so randomly as I cooked dinner one night in my apartment. Being the goldfish I am, I quickly made a video explaining the plot and got back to it the next day and dived into creating this mini master piece- just wait.

Sea Stars and Wishes was outlined and written in about 30 days. It was the most stressful days of my life. I was in an internship where they offered to publish a book if you completed it within the 70 day time frame (and I slacked off until the last 40). I completed the story and emailed in my manuscript and was ghosted. It was and still is heartbreaking.

However, my best friend encouraged me to continue the story. "This is just a sign that this book is meant to be something greater than what you have written in 30 days." It motivated me and I have finally completed the new outline for the book. It has an entirely new story. Somethings may remain the same, but most of it will not. 

I still love this version of the story. I want people to have access to it and to enjoy what I can do in 30 days. Hopefully you guys can be impressed with what I can do with a few months. The new Sea Stars and Wishes (name may or may not change) has an estimated release date of July 17, 2024. So please be on the look out.

I do have a question for all my readers here, and leave a comment for me- and yes this will have a direct affect on a part of the new book so think about it carefully:

Would you like Lyrika and Song to fall in love?

Sea Stars & WishesWhere stories live. Discover now