A new guest

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"Well I have to thank you for your help! I haven't had this much fun in years!" Alastor laughes as him and Y/N walk down the halls of the hotel

"It was my pleasure." Y/N states when he suddenly holds

"Is something?" Alastor asks cocking his head

"Nothing special... It's the snake, he's back." Y/N states

"Well, what's the problem? It's nothing we can't deal with!" Alastor chuckles turning around

"He is here without any weapons it seems... And the princess is greeting him in as we speak." Y/N says

"Mh? It's only been 6 hours since I beat him and he is already back to beg for forgiveness?" Alastor questions

"Doesn't seem like it, but so shortly after we fucked with the V's? I'm smelling bullshit and it's slithering along the main hall." Y/N states walking on with Alastor

"If I do remember right, he wanted to have the V's acknowledge him for killing one of us two. Pretty strange he is here now... Well let's greet our new guest!" Alastor cheers walking on

As Alastor and Y/N enter the lobby, Charlie is showing Sir Pentious around and then walks over to them.

"And here we have our facility manager..." Charlie points at Alastor

"And our head of security!" Charlie tells Sir Pentious

Suddenly as if she remembered that both Y/N and Alastor had fought off Sir Pentious before, she goes silent only a nervous chuckle and an anxious stare.

"Ah yes! You are the one who ruined my coat!.... I definitely remember you now..." Alastor says sounding angry

Y/N doesn't say a word he only stares at Pentious.

"This is the perfect first step! The most important thing is being able to admit when you were wrong and apologize!" Charlie exclaimes shoving Pentious towards the two overlords

"Why don't you give it a try?" Charlie asks him

Feeling as if she had just thrown him to the wolfs, Pentious looks back at her nervously then turns to the two.

"Ah... Yes... Ehhh.... Mister Radio demon eh and Mister Hacking demon... I'm sorry for attacking you... And eh... Mister Radio demon... Sorry for destroying your... Very lovely coat... Eh... Here is the piece I took." Pentious... apologizes handing Alastor the piece

"Oho! Not many were able to take even this much off me! It must have meant quite a lot to you!" Alastor says smiling sinisterly them burning the piece

Sir Pentious stares at the burning piece, until Y/N clears his throat gaining their attention.

"I guess..." Y/N starts stepping towards Pentious

Suddenly his arms and legs petrude outwards from Y/N's Body his head, his eyes lighting up his normally always closed mouth opening up with disturbingly long spikey teeth.

"But if you slimy slithering shit, are here to spy for the V's'! I'll rip you open and feed you your own insides!..." Y/N's body turn back to normal

"...Understood?" Y/N asks him

Pentious cowers his hands over his head, slowly looking up at Y/N.

"U-understood." He stutters

"Good." Y/N breathes

Charlie walks between them.

"Stops this Y/N! You cannot threaten a guest of the hotel! Especially not one willing to give redemption a chance!" Charlie tells him

"We will see." Y/N states turning around

"No we won't!" Charlie exclaimes

But Y/N only walks off, out of the front door looking up at his drones. Checking through every last one. None under Vox's control.

"Mh... What is your plan you control freak?" Y/N mutters

The door slowly opens revealing Charlie

"Hey ..." Charlie starts nervously

"What is it princess?" Y/N asks looking around

"I'm sorry I didn't want to shout at you, but I can't condone you threatening a guest." She explains herself

"Hm?" Y/N questions cocking his head looking back at her

"Oh, I didn't take to much of it. Thank you anyway though." Y/N tells her

Charlie breathes out deeply.

"Ok, cool beans. But why did you go outside then?" She asks

Y/N clears his throat turning around.

"Don't you find it strange? After Pentious came here talking about how he wants to be recognized by the V's', he comes here after Alastor and I angered them." Y/N asks her

"Eh ... It does sound strange. But following my philosophy I can't turn anyone away, just like that. You have to understand that!" Charlie tells him

Y/N sighes, taking another look up to the drones, than looks back at her.

"I know, your morals make you the best for this redemption idea, but also the easiest to be used." Y/N sighes

"Hey come on, I'm not just somebody! I can take care of myself!" Charlie tells him

"I mean... Killjoy can sing a song about that." Y/N chuckles

"Oh and about the drones..." Charlie starts

"What about them?" Y/N asks

"Please stop using them to look into the hotels bedrooms." Charlie states

"... What?" Y/N questions

"Angel told me you-" Charlie starts

"Of course Angel..." Y/N groans

"Listen princess, I ain't looking into anyone's bedroom. You are aware that Angel likes to put rumors like that around? Just another showing of you being far to naive." Y/N complains pinching his fingers on the bridge of his nose

"I am not!" Charlie exclaimes

The door opens again.

"Hey babe? The others are waiting for the thing you wanted to do." Vaggie tells Charlie

She looks at Y/N then back at Vaggie. After a moment Charlie decides to enter the hotel. This time Vaggie stays outside. Eyeing Y/N closely.

"What were you two arguing about?" She asks

"I simply told her, that she is to Naive. Believing people far to easy." Y/N states looking out towards pentagram city screams and explosions in the distance

To which Vaggie sighes.

"Ya know I still don't trust you. But I know I can trust you and Alastor when it's about the V's. Can you... I don't know keep an eye on that Sir Pentious?" Vaggie asks him

"Already on it." Y/N nods

Vaggie opens the door to the hotel again, but before she enters. She turns to Y/N one last time.

"Oh, and stop using the drones to look into the hotel rooms." She states entering the hotel

"I am not doing that!" Y/N exclaimes angered

He sighed looking back to pentagram city...

"But I probably should ... Maybe I could get some things I could earn quite the money with... Or blackmailing information.... No stupid idea... Don't want friggin Lucifer knocking at my door... " Y/N states turning around looking at the hotel

"...Nor do I really want to betray them... This is the first place that... Feels trustworthy down here. It would be a waste to loose that." Y/N sighes following inside

*I'm calling back in! Although I may be quite sick and all here you have another chapter! Next story will be the MHA one! I wish everyone a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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