Dr Cooper Is A Dick

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Chapter Six 


The feeling of his touch against my neck still haunts me, even 30 minutes later as I walk towards the counter to fetch the surgery chart for today's surgery in Doctor Cooper's list. 

I still can’t believe what happened. 

I massage the back of my neck, exactly where he was touching me just minutes ago. I know that he caught me off guard, but my body reacted as if it needed his touch. I never knew that I needed that gentle caress on my neck. Even though it's made me cry, I doubt that these were tears of sadness. Nor were they tears of joy either. They were the tears of longing. Because as hard as I try,I have to face the truth - I missed him. 

His fingers tracing my skin unleashed a tidal wave of emotions I thought I had moved past. But this man's presence still has power over me, making my knees weak with his electric touch. No matter how much my logical mind protests, my body betrays me. Craving his affection despite everything. My neck burns for more of his tenderness. 

Now, I'm haunted by the ghost of his hands on me, reminding me of the passion we once shared. Though I wish it didn't, his touch still shakes me to my core.

"Good morning, Mia," Amanda greets me from behind the counter, her pen gliding across one of the charts.  

"Good morning," I respond, my eyes scanning the counter for Doctor Cooper's chart.  

"You're Sophia's daughter, right?" Amanda chirps, her voice infused with a bubbly energy, as if she's speaking through a perpetual grin.  

"Yes, I am," I reply, offering a smile. 

It seems being identified as Sophia's daughter is the most common conversation starter since my arrival.  

Amanda extends her hand. "I'm Amanda Madden, pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Amanda. I'm Mia Roberts," I respond, shaking her hand.

"We're thrilled to have you joining us," Amanda says warmly.

"Thank you, I really appreciate the welcome," I reply.

"If there's anything you need, please let me know. I'm familiar with practically everyone on staff," Amanda offers.

Her friendly offer is perfectly timed, as I'm feeling a bit lost here.

"Do you by chance know where I could find Dr. Cooper's surgery charts?" I ask. "I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with him this afternoon."

Amanda arches an eyebrow. "Oh, my mistake, I thought you were assigned to Dr. Anderson's team."

It's clear she's very knowledgeable about the staff here. I'll have to be mindful about sharing personal details unnecessarily. For now, I just need to track down those charts before the surgery.

"You're right, I misspoke. Dr. Anderson is who I'm working with," I say. "But if you could point me toward the charts, I'd really appreciate it."

As I study her features, I'm struck by her beauty - far too exquisite for a simple nurse. She belongs on the front cover of Vogue, her allure too powerful to be contained in a hospital hallway. Her naturally curly hair frames a face that radiates with expression, bright eyes dancing with life and emotion. 

When she smiles, it's like the sun emerging from behind clouds, lighting up her delicate features. That smile is so warm and genuine, it makes you feel like an old friend. Though petite, she carries herself with grace, slender frame belying an inner strength. 

This woman was made for runways and magazine spreads, not hospital rounds, her beauty almost too distracting in this stark environment. 

"Doctor Anderson doesn't leave his charts here. You would normally find them with Ava."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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