3. Follow me today

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I must not, but I guess I should,
I should admit that I have always been,
Writing letters and writing poetry,
But this time, I must say it.

There will be no use writing about it,
The storm has passed by us now,
And the world has shut down in reality,
I am not sure what I must do now.

I guess I'll never have a clue,
But there has to be a way to say this,
For writing poems would never,
Get me from this page to your reality.

You don't know me, you don't know me,
But today, as the night falls, look at me,
Hold my hand, we have a place to be,
It's the only chance destiny gave me.

So hold my hand this one time, today.
There is something I've been meaning to show you always,
I've dreamt for a long time about this day,
So hold my hand and follow me today.

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