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Ah...ah...(sighs)my name is Ted. Ted matthew. People call me Ted. I work for a construction company. There's only one coffee shop near my company. And that coffee is the meeting point for many companies. I went every time and I barely got a seat. Sometimes I finish coffee while standing. Well the owners didn't think about developing it. They should. I thought of drinking coffee. Well I need a break from my work. I went to drink. As usual it's full. I ordered one, and looked for the seat. There's only one table and one seat. I went there and asked is it free?. He said it is. I took out my coat and out on the chair and sat. Reading my newspaper and drinking my coffee. While finishing my coffee, the guy in front of me, stared at me like he never saw a person. After i finished my coffee I took leave. The next day i went to the shop and the same thing happened. The same chair and the same person. This continued for about one week. The next day i went to the coffee shop. The same chair. I sat on it. He stared at me. I said " if you're staring at me like that I won't be able to finish my coffee ".

He said " sorry I was just wondering about you sitting next to me ". That's where he said to me his story. How this World sees him. I was hearing while finishing my coffee. After he said, i finished my coffee. I made my leave. But before making my leave, I said " my name is Ted ". He smiled and said his name too. We met daily at the same shop, the same chair. We become friends unknowingly. We had a lot of fun daily. He wants his article to be published in the newspaper under his name. That's his biggest goal in his life.
                       (Present time )
                    (Groaning in pain)
                     (Blood spatters)

Ah fuck the won't go away...fuck...I think I need to hold for a few seconds...Ah... Simon why did you do this? You know it would be dangerous. You did for your stupid passion. Ah you idiot. Simon why? Why? WHY!!!!!???? Who thought it would be this way...ah...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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