Chapter 6

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 The two walked back to the party. Their faces were still streaked with tears, but they looked happier than either of them had looked in a long time. Their intertwined hands did not please many of the guests, but Sophie didn't care. Fitz was pointedly ignoring both of them, fuming at a table, gritting his teeth and scowling at the couple. Grady pursed his lips as they walked up to him and Edaline.

"That boy, huh?" he said. Edaline elbowed him in the ribs.

"Dad!" Sophie exclaimed, rolling her eyes. Edaline smiled warmly at her. She and Grady talked for a moment longer, all four of them incredibly happy, however much Grady tried to disguise it.

After the party was over, Keefe stayed. He and Sophie leaned against the Panakes tree, breathing in the night air and sighing contentedly. Sophie would be a bad match, no matter who she was with. But laying there with Keefe and enjoying each other's company, suddenly it didn't seem to matter. 

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