Chapter 6: Chloe[FIXED]

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Finally, some time to think.

The elevator's the only place I can actually calm down, anywhere else I've got scavengers,packagers, or citizens asking me questions. Packaging wasn't so bad today, albeit there's new paperwork to fill out involving Ronin's new adoptee. Having to keep a file on everyone is a hassle. Tantu has close to 5000 people, meaning we're due for an expansion soon.

But that's less important, I've gotta talk to Indigo.

Paratana bone is tricky, and it's really easy to have equipment malfunctions while cutting. I could've just called in an equipment request, but like I said, elevator rides are therapeutic. And I don't really mind carrying this duffle bag. The elevator stopped and started to move to the right. I still remember when Ronin first brought me here, the elevator switch scared me half to death. I wonder how Kris reacted to it, something tells me she jumped. The thought makes me chuckle a bit. It is so hot here, maybe two layers were a bad idea. "Can I change...?" I ask myself. I could, I'd just have to take care of that camera in the top left corner first. I drop my bag, take off my scarf, and get on my tippy toes to wrap it around the camera,"Not today Mr. Snooper.". I'm not even sure if Charles, the security guy, is watching. Knowing him, he'd probably turn the camera off the moment I lift my shirt.

He's sweet, really sweet.

I finish tying the scarf around the camera and get down from my tippy toes. Afterwards, I take off my black T-shirt, then the dark green long sleeved shirt underneath it. I take a look at my reflection in one of the silver walls of the elevator and sigh.

Scars from the sports bra down.

Rose always told me to be proud of my figure, but not even Charles would want a body this messy. I sigh and put my T-shirt back on, promptly removing the scarf from the camera and looking up. "Sorry for scaring you, Charles!" I say in a sweet tone. The camera makes a nodding motion, making me giggle.

Poor guy, he probably thought I got abducted.

The elevator stops and I tie my shirt around my waist before putting the bag back on my shoulder. I untie my hair to wrap my scarf around it. "Alright, that should be good!". The door opens and I peek out, examining the halls before stepping forward. "1212..1212...". Before I could get too far, Ronin and the girl from earlier walked out.

Oh no...I completely forgot they were going to Indigo's office.

It's not like I don't wanna talk to her or anything. I'm just not in the right headspace for a conversation. If what I gathered from my first impression was right, that girl might end up looking up to me. Seeing me stressed and disheveled so soon might give her a bad impression. They've got their backs to me right now, so as long as I'm quiet, I can get to Indi's room before they notice me.

Is what I would say if Ronin wasn't a perceptive bastard..

Before I even took another step, he turned his head around. I quickly move my body to shush him. To which he chuckles and shrugs. I hear Kris ask him a question, probably about what he was looking at. Before she could look behind her, I had already slipped into Indigo's office. The door slid closed behind me and I leaned against it, sliding down with a sigh of relief.

"Clo?' A familiar voice chimes in my ear. I look up to see none other than the doctor themselves, Indigo. "Hey Gogo..." I say awkwardly, trying to cover-up in whatever way possible. Indi puts their fist over their mouth and giggles, "What are you doing?" They asked me through laughter. I get up and dust myself off, clearing my throat to keep my composure, "Well, as you probably saw, we have a new resident. They've already met me while I was in 'work mode', so to see me like this is..."

"So you were hiding from her?"

"...No. But you've seen the girl, right?"

"Mhm. She's a lot like you when Ronin brought you in."

"Exactly! If she sees me all disheveled like this, she's gonna get the wrong idea!"

Indigo crosses their arms,"I think you look pretty presentable"

"Um, no I don't?" I gesture to myself. "Look at me, I'm all sweaty, My locs are out of style, and I have a shirt around my waist. I look disheveled..". Indigo stares at me with a look that gives off 'really?' vibes. It's their signature look, though I hate when they do it, since it usually means they're about to say something that makes a lot of sense.

"Chloe, you're a scavenger. Not an official.". There it is. I know that perfectly well, "This is different." I respond. "If she's gonna be staying here, we need to put on a good first impression.". Indigo laughs, "I promise that you've made a good enough impression.". I love Gogo's laugh, it makes me feel stupid for worrying about things. "Ok, win.".

"Now, I'm not complaining, but you're not one to visit for no reason.".

"Oh, right! I came here for a repair request." I say as I drop the duffle bag into my hand and pass it to them. Indigo grabbed the bag, but almost fell over due to the weight. Crap, I forgot how much stronger I was than them "I'm so sorry Gogo! I forget my own strength sometimes..". I reach for the bag but they stop me, "No, I got it. It just- caught me off guard." They take a deep breath and hoist the bag up, "Seriously, how do you scavengers even survive your training.." They ask as they take the bag and put it on their work bench.

"Honestly I don't know. I guess Ronin knew exactly how far to push us before things got bad." I say. Indigo nods as they sit and go through the bag, pulling out dull blades and cracked saws. "He's changed a lot since he stepped down, do you ever wonder if his old demeanor was an act?". "What do you mean?" Chloe asked. Indigo separated the tools into different piles, one with the shit tools, and the other with the mildly dented. "Well, everyone respected him as this cold and strict commander, but he took you in, called you 'cherry' because they're your favorite fruit, helped you find a weapon just right for you, he was pretty much your father." They're right, Ronin was very strict a few years ago. The change was gradual, but once he stepped down, those small cracks in his demeanor seemed to reverse. I tilt my head a bit, "What are you getting at?".

"I'm saying that maybe he only acted like that due to his position." They stuffed the other pile back into the bag and walked over to the wall. "If that's the case, then Kris is going to be the first one to actually see the real him.". I put my hands in my pockets and followed, "What about you? You were the first, after all.". Indigo paused for a moment, they seemed like they were reminiscing. "There time.". Before I could get my question out, they shook it off and smiled at me, "But that was long before you got here. I hardly remember it!" They laughed, pressing their foot against the lower part of the wall. "I forgot you were so old compared to me.." Indigo chuckles nervously, "I'm only 37, jeez...". The part they kicked sunk in and the wall opened, revealing an elevator. "Where are you going?" I ask. Indigo holds up the bag, "the stuff in here's beyond repair, I'm going to repurpose the materials. Melting steel, repurposing bone, stuff like that.". They walk into the elevator and turn around.

"Will you be accompanying me?"

"I would, but I gotta get back to the processing sector. Can't leave them alone for too long."

"Oh, I understand. I sent a meal request for the new girl a few minutes ago. Since she doesn't have a room yet, I had to sent to my office."

" want me to make sure she gets the best we've got?" I cross my arms. Gogo made prayer hands and smiled awkwardly ,"If it's not too much trouble?". I chuckle and sigh, "Whatever, We'll just use the paratana she killed." "Oh, she actually killed it?" I nod. Indigo smirks.

"You tried to recruit her, didn't you?"

"Don't you have a forge to get to?"

Indigo laughs and presses buttons on the elevator, making the door close. They wave at me and I smile.

Gogo's great, man.

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