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"What the hell do you think you are doing omega?" The kitchen head ask rose who was leaning against the kitchen wall

"I...i have been working since morning and my back hurts, can't...can't I get a little rest?" Rose ask the woman politely and Marian snarl at the red head

"You stupid,dirty slut. You think being mated to the alpha's son would stop you for working like the others?" Marian ask angrily and rose shake her head in denial as she heard the rest of the omegas in the kitchen starts to whisper among themselves, giving her the bad eyes.

"No madam but i..i have school" rose said

"School?" Marian ask like she had not heard the word before and rose nod

"You are not even supposed to be in school, you will work the whole day" Marian declared and rose gasp

"But...but am.."

"Shut your hole you slut!" Marian yelled at her

"What is the commotion all about?" Someone ask from the door

"Oh prince Alex" Marian said her expression changing from annoyed to excited

"Rose, you are here" Alex said as a smile light up his face but something else flash through his eyes

"A..Alex" rose said nervously but manage to smile

"Come on rose, are you not suppose to be in school?" He ask as she walk up to him, she look at Marian who glare at her before looking back at the prince then she hesitantly nod her head

"Come on,I'll drop you off" he said and pull her out of the kitchen

"How have you been rose?" He ask as they walk out of the pack house

"Am fine" she said in a small voice

"Didn't you see my message?" He ask and she look up at him, they were in the garage and he let go of her wrist.

"I sent you a text and you did not reply, what the hell were you doing?!" He ask angrily raising his voice and rose shook in fear and step back, this was not the first time he was shouting at her

"I...i didn't know" she said quietly and he glare at her

"What do you mean you don't know? Why do you have a phone when you wouldn't use it?!" He ask and she took another step back nervously

" sorry" she tell him in a small voice as a tear roll down her cheek, he clench his fist and look away, why the hell was he angry?

"Why the hell are you even crying?" He ask looking at her with annoyance

"Your tears irritates me" he growl at her and she whimper in fear taking another step back and quickly wipe off her tears. Maybe he didn't love her after all.

"Am sorry" she whisper and he groans then glare at her.

"You are late for school, get in" he said and open the car door but rose was hesitant.

"I...i think am just going to walk" she said and turn around to walk away but a growl stop her

"Don't let me repeat myself rose" he said in a low snarl and rose quickly get on the car.

"Put your seat belt on" Alex said as he got into the car.

The car ride was quiet and awkward for rose but Alex didn't seem to care.

"What..what do you want for your birthday?" She finally ask after sometime.

"Don't get me anything" he told her not even sparing her a glance, rose bit her bottom lip, why was he colder than usual?.

"But...but i...i.." rose stutter

"I said don't fucking get me anything will you stop being a pest" he said and park the car.

"O...ok" rose said with tears in her eyes before she got out of the car.

"By...." He was already driving away before she could say bye, she sign and wipe her tear away.

Ok...maybe her mate was not all that caring and loving but he could be caring some times and other times he was just a jerk but rose still loved him after all he was her mate and the mate bond wouldn't let her do otherwise.

She knew that Alex didn't love her, why? She didn't know but she was hopping with time he would learn to love her and for the mean time she would continue loving him.

The Alpha's Betrayed LunaWhere stories live. Discover now