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Leon Tranter looked as youthful as ever, with only a few faint lines at the corners of his sharp blue eyes to deceive the passing of time. His once sinewy figure had filled out with defined muscles, particularly his arms and chest. A tattoo, which snaked up from his neck to his ear, added a rebellious element to his otherwise polished and put-together look.

I should have been mentally prepared to run into that cheating arsehole again. Royce had mentioned in passing that Leon sometimes showed up at the racetrack for races. He even proposed physically confronting him, should I have desired it.

A reflexive physical withdrawal was observed, coinciding with a strong desire to avoid detection. Leon exhibited a brief, uninterested gaze, suggesting that recognition may not have occurred, and resumed conversation with one of his friends.

From the periphery of my vision, I watched Leon and muscle-bound cronies as they chatted and passed around what were likely cannabis-laced cigarettes. He appeared to be thriving if his designer clothes, gold jewellery, and expensive footwear were any indication.

"I hate that prick." A quiet growl rumbled in Drew's throat whenever Leon dared to look over at us. "We should beat the fuck out of him just for shits and giggles."

I receded into the background, unwilling to participate in the ongoing discussion. Though my feelings towards my ex-boyfriend are not entirely favourable (given his act of betrayal, which should serve as a cautionary lesson about the untrustworthiness of men, particularly in matters of infidelity—something Daniel can surely attest to), our past is inconsequential. He was young, foolish, and ignorant, a mere teenager. In my present state as an adult, I see no reason to harbour any resentment towards actions committed over a decade ago. Hence, I did not want to witness him being physically reprimanded for merely being a jackass.

Ever so subtly, I moved with cat-like grace, slinking behind Royce and using his body as a human shield. I was happy to be back here, in the shadows, safe and relaxed, where specific individuals could not see me.

Royce, ever observant, shot me a glance, perhaps probing for the reason behind my sudden desire to drop off the face of the earth. He may have forgotten our conversation on the yacht, where I confided in him about my first love, and he gallantly offered to defend my honour. It could be seen as fortunate that he did not make the connection between the two moments.

"I heard you're looking for your brother?" Leon's false concern drifted across the rough, gravelly stretch of the noisy quarry, and Royce visibly tensed in front of me. "Typical Colt, always landing in shady situations. Don't be surprised if you find him passed out in an alley or begging for change outside a liquor store. He's bound to disappoint, as always."

Royce ignored the man completely, refusing to give him a passing glance. He was determined to focus solely on the ongoing race, with drivers speeding by in a blur of vibrant colours on the track, each vying for the coveted first-place finish.

"Don't you want to know where he is?" Nowhere near satisfied with his efforts to get under Royce's skin, Leon proceeded to taunt him. "It's easy. All you gotta do is follow the stench of desperation. It'll lead you right to him."

"Keep talking, Tranter." Royce was fiercely protective of his younger brother, ready to defend him at any moment, a loyalty that transcended personal disagreements. "Every insult out of your fucking mouth is another knot I'll be tying in your spine when I beat the shit out of you."

Leon's eyes dazzled with delight. "You spoke to Kyle?" He snickered, looking to his friends for a reaction. He was insufferable. "I saw him doing handouts to your brother earlier. Who knows? Colt probably pissed himself and fell into a ditch again. We all know how he gets when he fiddles with Molly."

The Lies He Told | PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER ROMANCE |Where stories live. Discover now