Uhhh random idk

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Fallen heroes banner is coming feh idk who tho but i want fallen Marth

I lost to a pk fire spammer on smash bros,,,,,,,

Also I'm almost finished the world of light story mode, the subspace emissary story was way better but I think the reason they didn't include as much cutscenes and made the story more boring is so that people can't make videos of the story mode so no spoiling for other people which does not make sense because obviously if you watch the videos you know there is spoilers so if you don't want spoilers why would you watch, and also if they care about spoilers that much why did they literally spoil the games that the characters are from

I made a character using random generated colours why is it all purple XD

I made a character using random generated colours why is it all purple XD

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Her arm isn't that short it just looks like this from this angle 🙃

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