Always the One Before the One

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Do I even make an impact?
Do I even make a difference?
Do I even mean something?
Well, gotta say, I don't!
Seems rude enough to be saying
It out loud, but it is what it is.
I'm nothing more than
A passing breeze,
A temporary pleasure,
A momentary peace,
A passing-by happiness and joy,
Rather than a forlong and forever
Lasting impact of a breeze to never be forgotten,
A never be able to forgotten pleasure, peace, happiness, and joy.
Totally temporary.
That's why, I said,
I don't make an impact on anyone
And I don't mean anything.
Momentarily, they might not be able
To replace me, maybe because of the thoughts,
But with time, they'll find someone else,
With time, they'll find someone else
Who'll give them all that I give
And I'd soon be forgotten,
I'd soon be nothing more than a memory,
Nothing more than a forgotten melody.
That's why I say that,
"Always the one before the one"
Cause well enough, that's what I am,
That's who and whatever I am.

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