A Bear or Man

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Warning: Rant, and sensitive subject

To be in a forest would you rather a random bear or man be with you?

A question recently being asked quite a bit. The answer, of many people including myself, is the bear.

For the bear, unlike humans, shall only act based of instinct, for its very own survival and its cubs if it is a mother. They do not attack without reason, they do not give you a fate worse than death, they certainly don't enjoy it. If they attack, which usually they shan't, it is because they feel you are a danger to them, their cubs, or something along those lines.

And you may say, we're offensive, we're overreacting, but are we? Humans, having higher intelligence and sentience in our own opinions, does that not make abusers and monsters that happen to be human even more terrifying?

Yes, we know not all men are monsters, and people to be feared, but we can't take that chance. There is no way to tell if one man is someone you can't trust at first or not, and if you don't treat all of them like they're going to do the horrible things many have done, then you risk meeting one and getting hurt whilst your gaurd is down. We would rather never fully trust a man than risk it and get hurt in such a way I cannot describe.

It isn't saying all men are terrible. We aren't saying we don't trust any men, or that we'd rather fight a random bear than man. In fact, we don't want to fight anything, but you're more likely to have to fight the man than the bear.

To get offended by someone's answer to this question isn't you trying to prove not all men are terrible. It simply tells us you don't understand, care, or you understand and approve of the terrible things that may happen. Neither of these three things are good. So please, if you want to complain at the very least listen and try to understand first.

Don't even try any of the "they were asking for it" bullshit. No one would want that, innocent people, children, have been through terrible things because of others before. It doesn't matter the clothes, the way they act, age, nothing matters. Because their are always monsters in humanity, wether It be man or woman, and we don't want to risk getting hurt like that simply because "not all men are like that" We Know. But that doesn't mean all men are safe.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 07 ⏰

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