Chapter # 3 Emily got trapped

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Emily slowly opened her eyes, groggily taking in her surroundings. She was in her own bed, in her own room. But something felt off. She looked around, trying to shake off the fogginess in her mind.

"Emily, wake up, child!"

her grandmother's voice called out, accompanied by a gentle shake on her shoulder.

Emily sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Grandma...what time is it?"

"It's morning, dear. Time to get up and start the day!"

Emily looked around her room again, trying to remember what had happened the night before. And then it hit her - the dream. The vivid, intense dream she had just had.

"Grandma...I had the most amazing dream last night,"

Emily said, her eyes wide with excitement.

"I was a warrior, fighting to save a kingdom from darkness! I wielded a sword and summoned the elements to aid me in battle. And I had a friend, Arinthal, who fought alongside me..."

Her grandmother smiled and sat down beside her.

"That sounds like quite an adventure, Emily! But it was just a dream, dear. You're safe in your own bed now."

Emily nodded, still trying to process the dream. It had felt so real. She could still feel the rush of adrenaline and the sense of purpose she had felt in the dream.

"Well, maybe it was just a dream,"

Emily said,

"but it felt so real. And it made me feel strong and brave. Like I could conquer anything."

Her grandmother hugged her tight.

"You are strong and brave, Emily. And you can conquer anything you set your mind to. Even if it was just a dream, it's clear it had an impact on you. And who knows? Maybe it was your subconscious telling you something about yourself."

Emily smiled, feeling a sense of determination rise up within her. Maybe her grandmother was right. Maybe the dream was trying to tell her something about herself and her own potential.

"Thanks, Grandma,"

Emily said, getting out of bed.

"I think I'm going to go out there and conquer the day now!"

Her grandmother laughed and handed her a towel.

"Well, start with getting dressed and having some breakfast, dear. Then you can go out and conquer the world!"

Emily got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where her grandmother was already making breakfast. The delicious smell of pancakes and fresh fruit filled the air, and Emily’s stomach growled in anticipation.

As they sat down to eat, Emily’s grandmother asked her,

So, dear, what do you think the dream was trying to tell you? Was there anything specific that stood out to you?”

Emily thought for a moment, taking a bite of her pancake.

Well, Grandma, I think the dream was trying to tell me that I’m capable of more than I think I am. I mean, in the dream, I was a warrior, fighting to save a kingdom! It was exhilarating and empowering. And I think maybe my subconscious was trying to tell me that I have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles in my own life.”

Her grandmother nodded, smiling.

"That's a wonderful Insight, Emily. And I think you’re absolutely right. You have so much potential and strength within you, and I have no doubt you’ll achieve great things in life.”

Emily grinned, feeling a sense of determination and purpose. She knew that she would face challenges in life, but she was ready to face them head-on, just like she had in her dream.

As they finished breakfast, Emily’s grandmother handed her a small package.

I want you to have this, Emily. It was passed down to me from my own grandmother, and I think it’s time you had it.”

Emily opened the package to find a beautiful silver necklace with a small crystal pendant. It sparkled in the light, and Emily felt a strange connection to it.

Thank you, Grandma,”

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