The Death of Haruki Fujita

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"Wake the fuck up, man."

Haruki Fujita slipped out of a hallucination. The hallucination was mindless. It featured a name moments before something killed him, extraterrestrial and horrible from head to toe. Slimy and predatory. The most of it cybernetic. He was dying, with blood gushing out of his neck, but that wasn't what killed him, at least not immediately, because his intestines were pulled out of his stomach, and that was what killed him.

He watched the blue solar panel wing curve outward from the steel hull of the International Space Station, and he frowned bitterly. From the sensation of death, Haruki Fujita had a sickening gut feeling.

"Stefan Bossi!" he cried out, alarmed.

The name lingered in his mind. He remembered it from his hallucination. He idly watched one of his gloves floating across the room and stopped in front of his computer screen. No reason was known to him why he remembered that name; he remembered nothing more. There was a brief rush-he had time to think about programming languages and decoding radio frequencies, though none of the government organizations he hacked into proved extraterrestrial in origin, but Haruki was convinced by the bizarre nature of the sounds. He didn't really care about the scientists at SETI, many doctors, and the best professors in the world who regarded them as a hoax. And those who didn't view the evolution of Earth from an intergalactic perspective that was terraformed over billions of years by otherworldly entities.

"Stefan Bossi!" he said again, grabbing the floating glove with his cold hand and looked at it, trying to decide the significance of the name from his hallucination. Instantly he felt his fingers were freezing from the cold. As Haruki watched the storage bay where he was hiding, his fingers slipped into the glove and strapped the Velcro. "Stefan Bossi! Stefan Bossi!" It seemed to be all he could remember.

Even trapped in the confusing vise of the illusion, Haruki felt an intense fear-this was what an extraterrestrial predator looked like while it slaughtered him. It was a look that filled him with horror.

Another radio frequency echoed from his computer, this one echoing like the mating call of a dolphin, and that excited him. With another "Stefan Bossi!" he stared out of the window and watched the sun disappear behind the Earth, he lost focus; and although it was only an hour after bedtime-another exciting six hours while everyone was deep asleep-the red glow of the computer screen had so hindered his thoughts that he was distracted while staring. And he slipped back into that mindless hallucination.

When Haruki managed to wake up, he realized it was hours later, in the bosom of the night. He glimpsed over the UPS batteries and saw a loose terminal that looked like a collection of fireflies floating in the antigravity of space.

After a while, he hovered upright and spoke.

"Stefan Bossi!"

Incredibly, he did not know why.

Haruki swallowed and looked at the wall, thinking: I'm going to die.

For a moment his mind seemed to separate from his physical body-it was not fear, or angst; it was terror. He was reminded by the physical sense of nausea as he swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth, and it occurred to him that he had just experienced a completely new level of fear.

The first argument about faith in the Fujita household-the first one Haruki got a hiding for, at least-happened on an Easter weekend in April. It was a big argument; even the greatest spanking couldn't change his mind. Only his stepbrother shared his sentiment; Nic Chagall was in the bathroom brushing his teeth and listening to his sulking. This was fortunate because, in those days, there was no way to get ungrounded by a Japanese father.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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