~Chapter 1: Hate~

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The tinny sound from the bell assaulted the students' ears. The forced stillness and quiet dispersed almost immediately as conversations sprung up and spread across the room like wildfire. Students huddled in groups, frantically discussing about their exam paper or the recent development...

"Did you know about Adhitya?" 

"Yeah. I didn't think he would do such a thing! I thought I knew the guy pretty well. I guess I was wrong in the end."

"Poor Surya, she deserved so much better"

There was one person who had not moved from her spot. She sat at the middle of the class, her sleek hands wrapped around her head resting on the cool metal surface of the table. She cowered, feeling the cold stares and seething glances attacking her like icy arrows dipped with a good coat of hatred. 

"That's his stupid sister right? Akshaya RAO."

"I bet she's a traitor and a heartbreaker like him too"

"You're right. This nice person act is not going to fool us anymore."

Akshaya let out a muffled sob. But quickly wiped away her tears using her sleeve.

"Shhhhhhhhhh! She heard us."

"Let her hear it then!"

She heard a them laughing, snickering and snorting before they raised their voices. They circled the desk like vultures, eyeing their prey, jeering and catcalling. Calling her hideous names and assigning revolting titles. She felt something hot and red in her stomach, building in intensity as each insult was added. 

"I heard that your father spent some time in jail... like father like family am I right?"

She rose from her desk slowly, dragging her chair out. Her choppy brown hair hung in front of her face. All she could see was the worn out tiles of the floor, chipped and grey. 

A guy yanked her hair up, forcing her to stare at him, immediately causing her to yelp in pain.

Arya's sharp face stared back at her, his face twisted in an evil sneer. She grabbed his thick hand, with hers wrenching it from her hair. She winced her hair was viciously pulled out of her scalp. Then she struck her hand out in front of her. Her hand connected with his stomach, knocking him out of balance. In this moment, she grabbed her bag hanging on the chair and sprinted out of the class, without glancing back. 

"Achu!" called a girl with flowy black tresses. She scanned the crowd and shot a dirty look at Arya, before running after her friend.

The others stood around, unable to perceive what had occurred. Slowly, everyone returned to their desks, packing up their items and started to leave as well. 

Soon after, only two people remained. Arya hadn't moved an inch. He stared at his hand which  grasped the soft strands of brown hair.

"What are you waiting for," rasped Arya, his eyes still on his hands.

"Oh nothing. I am only astonished about the fact that you haven't lashed out yet is all," replied a smooth voice.

"Always with the quick retorts eh? Besides, I wouldn't have asked if you did not stay back in class. Usually, you are the first one to leave." said Arya as his hands curled into fists.

"No n-need to get so worked up. Lets just say that I have taken a... particular interest in the recent matters."

"You do realise that this whole INCIDENT, is just a flimsy and pathetic cover for what is in reality a problem of more severity," growled Arya.

"My circle of influence is wider than yours Arya. My contacts are spread all across the state. I am well aware of the situation at hand."

"Whatever," spit Arya, "All I know is that if you are involved... then things are going to get real interesting" he said unclenching his fist and walked out of the door.

The man with the smooth voice watched as hair gently floated down to the floor.

It will get interesting.


ERXXRCXDE023 : Soo that was the first chapter! Lemme know what you think (^U^). I will probably publish the next chapter soon so look forward to that!

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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