Parts: 63-64

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Part: 63 Accusation

When the tall salesperson who was swiping the card heard this, she moved even faster. She was afraid that Yuan Shao would come up with some touching story to persuade Tan Ming to go back on her word. “Miss, please enter your PIN.”

The names of her two babies represented the meaning of wings. Therefore, Tan Ming fell in love with the necklace the moment she saw it. They had used platinum to form wings on the necklace. Dazzling little diamonds decorated the wings and shone vibrantly against the light. In the middle was a small light cornflower sapphire.

To Tan Ming, the meaning of this necklace to her was more important. She was the gem in the middle, tightly connected to the wings that represented her babies.

Tan Ming couldn’t be bothered to listen to a person who harbored ill intentions towards her. She turned around and entered her PIN.

Yuan Shao’s heart turned cold.

At this moment, the short-haired salesperson had already quickly packed the necklace. She smiled at Yuan Shao and asked, “Sir, the necklace has been packed for you. Would you like to pay with your card or WeChat Pay?”

In this situation, it would be a waste of money to buy it. Yuan Shao adjusted the sunglasses on his nose bridge and tried to cover himself up more tightly to prevent others from recognizing him. He coughed lightly and said, “I’m sorry, I feel that the design of this necklace is still not good enough. I’ll look at the others.”


With that, Yuan Shao turned around and left.

Tan Ming looked at Yuan Shao’s back view as he left in a hurry and was even more puzzled. Her voice was filled with confusion. “That can’t be, right? Just because I bought something more expensive than him?! There are many people here who buy things that cost more than 780,000 yuan. Could it be that he wants to stop everyone?”

Li Mei looked at Yuan Shao’s strange behavior and frowned. “There’s something wrong with him. Ignore him. Let’s see what other styles there are.”

The mother and daughter quickly forgot about this matter.

Yuan Shao went to the company to look for Zhou Yun early the next morning.

Zhou Yun was talking to the stylist online about Tan Si’s makeup on the day of Tianqi’s opening ceremony. When she saw Yuan Shao enter the office empty-handed, she looked up at him.

Yuan Shao smiled ingratiatingly. “Sister Yun.”

Zhou Yun retracted her gaze and looked at the computer in front of her. “If you have something to say, say it now.”

Yuan Shao scratched his head and revealed an awkward smile. “Sister Yun, I met An’an when I went to D&Z to buy jewelry. The latest design of the series you mentioned was bought by An’an first. I didn’t manage to snatch it.”

Yuan Shao avoided the main point and deliberately only mentioned the final outcome. He didn’t mention that he had hesitated and given up the necklace.

Zhou Yun’s typing hand paused and she looked up at Yuan Shao again. “An’an? Is it that An’an who participated in the variety show with you?”

Yuan Shao nodded vigorously and said accusingly, “That’s her! If it weren’t for her, I would have given the necklace to Sister Sisi today!”

As a manager, Zhou Yun had some understanding of the Tan family’s matters. She knew what kind of life Tan Ming was living in the Tan family. She frowned and asked, “How much is that necklace?”

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