Chapter 8

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"Fuck sorry I forgot you were here" i said wiping my tears away "you okay?" "Yeah yeah am okay" he sat next to me and grabbed me from my shoulder and turned me to him "you don't look okay but am not gonna fours you to tell me anything when you feel like telling me i will sit for hours to hear you " I pulled him into a hug and started crying again

"If you tell anyone anything about what am gonna tell you consider yourself dead" he giggled "am listening"  "when i was five my dad started drinking as in when ever something goes wrong in his shitty life he drinks like a-lot and when ever he drinks he get abusive he throw things break things and sometimes he beat us up including my mum" Jayden wiped a tear from my face " why did you guys never rapport him"  "because of mum she's scared that if she ever file a rapport against him his business will go down hill you know" he knobbed  "anyways and mum always makes things worse because she doesn't do anything about it and when we go and speak to her about it she starts throwing stuff at us and yell"

He hugged me "its okay ill am gonna try my best to help you and your brother okay?" "You cant do nothing nothing is gonna work" he lead back on my bed " come here " I crawl to him and laid on his chest and we stayed there for a while "have i ever told you i use to write" "no fucking way" " you wanna see?" He smiled "fuck yeah"

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