Chapter 6: Breaking Ground

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The following day dawned bright and clear, with a promise of progress in the air. Sienna arrived at Blackwood Manor early, determined to continue the work they had begun. The hidden room had provided a treasure trove of information, and she was eager to delve into it further.

Lucian was already in the library when she arrived, looking over some of the documents they had retrieved from the secret chamber. His cold demeanor hadn't softened, but there was a newfound intensity in his eyes, a reflection of the same excitement she felt.

"Good morning, Miss Grayson," he said without looking up.

"Mr. Blackwood," she responded curtly, setting down her bag and pulling out her notebook. "I reviewed the documents we found last night. There's a wealth of information about the manor's construction and the family's history, but we need to cross-reference it with the other records we have."

Lucian nodded. "I've already started sorting through them. There's a detailed ledger here from the early 1900s that mentions some renovations done during that period. It might give us more clues about the manor's layout."

Sienna joined him at the table, scanning the ledger. "If we can map out the changes made over the years, we might be able to uncover more hidden rooms or passageways. This place is a labyrinth."

They worked in companionable silence for a while, each engrossed in their respective tasks. The sheer volume of information was overwhelming, but Sienna relished the challenge. She meticulously documented each finding, making notes and drawing diagrams to help piece together the manor's history.

As the morning wore on, Sienna and Lucian began to discuss their findings more openly. The initial frostiness between them had thawed slightly, replaced by a grudging respect for each other's expertise.

"This document," Sienna said, holding up an old, yellowed piece of parchment, "mentions a 'safekeeping room' where the Blackwood family stored their most valuable items. It could be another hidden chamber."

Lucian leaned over to examine it, his brow furrowed in concentration. "If we can find that room, it could hold artifacts or documents that are crucial to the manor's restoration—and to understanding my family's legacy."

"Agreed," Sienna said. "The description is vague, but it seems to be located near the east wing, close to the servants' quarters. That area hasn't been explored thoroughly yet."

Lucian stood up, his determination evident. "Then that's where we'll go next. I'll have the staff prepare the area for us to investigate."

As Lucian gave instructions to the staff, Sienna couldn't help but admire his efficiency and command. Despite his cold exterior, he was undeniably competent and driven. She shook off the thought, reminding herself that this was a professional partnership, not a personal one.

Once the preparations were complete, they made their way to the east wing. The servants' quarters were a stark contrast to the grandeur of the rest of the manor—narrow hallways, small rooms, and simple furnishings spoke of a bygone era. Sienna felt a shiver of excitement as they began their search, her mind racing with possibilities.

They examined the walls, floors, and ceilings, looking for any irregularities that might indicate a hidden room. After several hours of fruitless searching, Sienna's patience was wearing thin.

"This is like looking for a needle in a haystack," she muttered, frustration creeping into her voice.

Lucian glanced at her, his expression as inscrutable as ever. "We need to be thorough, Miss Grayson. If there is a hidden room here, we'll find it."

Sienna sighed, refocusing her efforts. She ran her hands along the walls, pressing on various panels in the hope of triggering a hidden mechanism. Just as she was about to give up, she felt a slight give under her fingers.

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