♡CHAPTER 2: Unexpected Reunion♡

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Asmodeus POV:

I was sitting in my bathroom, doing my makeup and admiring my reflection. Honestly, I look so beautiful! No, better than beautiful! Suddenly, my D. D. D rang. I picked up.


"Asmodeus, it's Lucifer."

"Hm? How unexpected. You never call me. What is it?"

"Tomorrow you are to join me at Lord Diavolo's castle for a meeting. Someone wants to see you."

"Oh? How exciting! But wait.... I was supposed to hang out with Solomon tomorrow!!"

"Too bad. This is important. And you wouldn't defy Lord Diavolo...... would you?"

"Eek! No, I wouldn't! Geez......"

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow."


I hung up. This is unexpected...... and annoying. Who would possibly- okay, I know everyone loves me, but it's never been this important! Not even brand deals have been this important! The more I think the more I'm curious. But I shouldn't stress about it, or I my skin might become un-flawless!


I ate breakfast after getting ready for the day, and met Lucifer at the door of the House of Lamentation.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course!"

"Okay, let's go."

(Name) POV:

I was patiently waiting. I was allowed to spend the night in the guest room. Now I was sitting out in the meeting room, waiting patiently and nervously. Then, I heard the doors open.

"Ugh, Lucifer this had better be someone actually important-"

He looks at me. I look at him. Time seems to stop. I look away nervously.


"You look familiar...... anyways, Lucifer who is this?"

I looked at Lucifer, silently requesting he not tell Asmodeus who I am. Lucifer nods and looks at Asmodeus.

"This is (Fake Name), they will be staying with us for a while, per Lord Diavolo's request."

"Oh! A new roommate! How interesting! But this is strange. How important could they possibly be that they get to live with us? Nobody normal could ever be allowed to do that."

"Don't question Lord Diavolo. I expect you to give them a warm welcome and help them around."

"Ugh, why me!? I have important things to do!"

"More important than what Lord Diavolo asks you to do?"

"I-you- Ugh, fine!! Come with me!"

Asmodeus grabs my wrist and pulls me to the House of Lamentation.

"You better be prepared. My brothers are..... interesting people. Just don't cause me any trouble, got that?"


"Good! Now, (Fake Name), welcome to the House of Lamentation!"

That's it for Chapter 2! -Solaris <3

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