𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

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{ 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑 3𝚛𝚍, 1962 }

Tanya closed her heavy textbook with an alleviated sigh, relieved to have finally finished her notes on the detailed effects of hydrochlorothiazide. She sank back into the chair for a moment, basking in the satisfaction of completing an arduous task, before she lifted up her sleeve to check her watch. 3:47. She still had a little bit of time before she was expected to return for dinner with the Jones. Despite her curiosity about this accomplished family her father spoke so highly of, a tiny spark of apprehension surged through her chest at the thought of being around them again. She was afraid that they would just get added to the long list of people who expected greatness from her. She knew that the people around her didn't mean it in a negative way and that it comes from a place of love and support, but she often wondered how people would look at her if she didn't carry the Collins name. Stephanie always told her she had a pretty voice, and she looked just as good as Diahann Carroll if she, 'stopped wearing old lady clothes,' as she put it.

She took off her reading glasses, and stood up from the rickety desk. Making her way toward the aisle where her book belonged, she was startled by a figure that suddenly came from the aisle in front of her. Her body jolted on instinct, and the spine of the book slipped out of her hand as it tumbled loudly onto the floor. Her apology died on the tip of her tongue when she glanced up to find a familiar face looking back at her.

He winked at her, tilting his cap to her in a cheeky greeting before he squatted down to collect the book she dropped. He dusted off the cover and handed it back to her with a sly grin. "Well, if it ain't Tanya Collins. We really gotta stop runnin' into each other like this."

Tanya blinked, still letting the shock of his sudden appearance melt out of her. "Jesse...I didn't expect to see you here."

He tilted his head, his grin widening. "Why? You think a troublemaker like me can't enjoy a good book?"

She shot him a flat look, accepting the book from him. "You know that's not what I meant. You just suddenly appeared and scared the living daylights out of me."

Jesse dipped his head in another bow. "My apologies, I'd never want to scare a lady."

Tanya rolled her eyes at his mock sincerity. She was sure Stephanie and him would get along real swell. She happened to notice the mustard yellow book that was in his other hand, and her eyes ran across the title. The words 'Montage of a Dream Deferred'  was written in curly black letters on the worn cover.

She arched an eyebrow. The title sounded familiar, like something she saw her mother reading once. "What book are you reading?"

He glanced down at the book in his hands. "Oh, this? It ain't a story book if that's what you were wonderin.' It's a poem."

"Oh, what it is about?"

"It's about a lot of things," Jesse murmured, his thumb stroking over the cover of the book thoughtfully. "Struggle. Poverty. Identity. Pride. Love. I can relate to all those things."

Tanya was reminded of the hardware shop and the pictures that hung on the wall of the break room. "I didn't know that."

Jesse's gaze swung back to her. "It's a good poem, you should read it sometime."

She looked at him curiously. "Do you like poetry?"

"Only a couple of 'em. Poetry was more of a passion for somebody else I knew."

"Oh," she replied when it was clear that he wouldn't elaborate any further.

A sudden silence passed between the two, so stiff that it felt like she was back in the kitchen having breakfast with her parents that day. Tanya tugged at the sleeve of her cardigan, unsure of what to say next. Every time she tried to open her mouth the words kept getting stuck in her throat, but she wasn't ready to withdraw from the conversation just yet. Something heavy like lead kept her feet cemented to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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