Special Announcement

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Peace be unto you everyone, hopefully everyone is doing alright?, i know I've been inactive for way too long from writing, for that i apologize, hopefully i can get myself back into that headspace soon,

so i know it's been about close to 7 years since i had written this book if not more but recently i was going through it just like old times, only to find out that it had alot of errors in which i had to fix, both in the words and in the plot so that's what am working on currently,  so dont be suprised if you receive an update notification several years after you must have finished the book, I'm just rewriting it.

However, I'll still like to say a big thank you to you for taking your time to  read this book be it currently or in the past, i truly appreciate you, thank you for simply existing, all the love- Aysha

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