Part 4.14

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The warehouse isn't abandoned. It's a metropolis of light and activity, a mini-Zilitron clanking away at the northeastern boundary of Wolfsbane Wood.

Workers enter and leave the building freely. Some wear hazmat suits, others laboratory coats. They ferry a variety of objects, none of which Ruby can identify - things that glow, things that steam, and things that are barely things at all but a mere shimmer or wobble in the air accompanied by the whir of working machinery.

This place wasn't hard to find. It hadn't taken much research to discover that Big Boss owned a technology company, the headquarters of which were based in the vicinity of Wolfsbane Wood. If anything, it was spoken about freely in those circles. Hardly a secret facility, and yet her hunt for Project Omega led her straight here. What did Miranda Valence want her to find here, right out in the open?

The words on the napkin weren't a coincidence, Ruby was sure of it. Project Omega, whatever it was, held the key to an answer Big Boss's ex-wife was unwilling to give herself.

Like everything else related to Atlantis Corp, Project Omega was mentioned casually. It was one of the many technological projects being worked on at the site, but so far no source had clarified exactly what it was about.

That was no matter. Ruby was more than happy to skip Maya's All Hallows Eve party in order to find out.

She rubs the coloured crystals embedded in her access card. It wasn't hard to come by. A little magic here, a little blackmail there. You could go anywhere you wanted if you weren't concerned with the law.

The guard at the main entrance remains expressionless as she holds her card out. He scans it with a device that emits a pale green glow. The crystals light up. The device beeps twice. The guard waves her through.

Inside, it's a maze of beeping, glowing, bubbling workstations. Scientist tap, type, scribble and frown away. To Ruby's right, someone wearing goggles raps on a series of fluorescent rods. To her left, a group of scientists argue over a hissing metal box. Someone rushes past with a beaker full of bubbling aquamarine liquid. No one seems to mind Ruby. After all, she's dressed the part, and she tries not to stare too much.

Ruby's careful too. She tries not to tip anything over as she walks around eavesdropping.

Except for the jar full of screeching blue worms, that is.

But anyone could have made that mistake.

A guy in an Atlantis Corp jacket glares at her. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"I'm with Project Omega," Ruby says, grabbing the last worm as it tries to hop to freedom.

"Then shouldn't you be downstairs?" the guy asks, annoyed.

Ruby grins. "Of course. I'm heading there right now."

She veers away, making a mental note to come back one day and free the worms.

This was the first floor, so there must be an underground level. Ruby hops into an elevator and presses the first button. When she gets out, she follows the throng of workers. They all seem to be headed to the same hub behind a set of steel double doors.

When the doors slide open, Ruby expects to see more beeping, glowing and bubbling.

But what she sees stops her dead in her tracks.

"No way," she whispers.

Her lungs hold her breath hostage.

Several things click together in her mind.

This was bad.

This was very, very bad.



Maya surveys the party with satisfaction. It was shaping up to be quite the night. Her home has been transformed into a kaleidoscope of costumes, All Hallows Eve -themed decorations and food. The children love the magical tree carousel, and the flying carts are a major hit (though she has a few new dents in her mansion to show for it). Onyx liked the pumpkin go-karts so much, she had to make him stop and give the kids a turn.

It's a shame Ruby couldn't attend. Maya's costume was something of a tribute to her conspiracy theorist friend. She sports a sleek, shaggy black dress. Lustrous sheets of thread, designed to imitate fur, cover the dress and gather moonlight at their fingertips. Her hair is charmed black and pulled back into a bun, which is in turn wrapped in a black velvet covering with silver fangs jutting out of it. A bright blue eye charm and snouted mask top off the look.

"You look fantastic as a werewolf. Ruby would approve." Addy smiles weakly from behind a mouthful of cake.

"Thanks, Addy." Maya takes in Addy's own get-up - a glittering orange gown, glowing jack-o-lantern eyes, and leaves scattered throughout her curls. "You're channelling 'pumpkin' very nicely."

"Thanks," Addy replies miserably.

Maya frowns. "What's wrong?'

"It's Big Boss. Look."

Maya reads the message on Addy's communications monitor. Her lips become a thin line. "This is not good. If Lily doesn't show up at work by the end of the week, she gets fired. Along with anyone who's been covering up for her."

"He's threatening to fire Lily and me." Addy hangs her head. The leaves in her hair give a sad flutter.

"No." Maya crosses her arms. "You're not getting fired. You love your job, and this isn't fair. Lily's been meaning to hand in her resignation for a while now. It's time to speed things up. We'll tell him to expect Lily's resignation tomorrow."

"But..." Addy sighs. "She's really made up her mind then?"

"She's not changing it, Addy. I suggest you don't waste any time clearing this up with Big Boss. He's here at the party. Find him, apologise, and remind him how committed you are to Witch Doctors Inc."

Addy nods. "Alright. I'll go find him now."

"I'll come with you."

"No, it's better if I do it alone. He might feel ganged up on if I bring another person."

Maya places a hand on her shoulder. "You can do this, Addy."

She's only been gone a few minutes before Maya's own communications monitor buzzes.

Ruby's breathless face comes on screen.

"I'm at Atlantis Corp," she pants. "You won't believe what I found."

Maya raises an eyebrow. "Project Omega?"

Ruby nods. "We need to talk right now. All of us. Where's Addy?"

"She'll be back soon," Maya tells her. "She's talking to Big Boss."

Ruby's eyes widen.

"Maya, listen to me. You need to get Addy away from Big Boss. Right now."

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