Chapter 3

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Hello peeps! I know, I know, you're waiting for SBN buuut I had some written for this chapter and just decided to finish it off. I'm pretty excited to get further into this story but I'll be finished SBN soon, don't worry :)

Do enjoy!!

Chapter 3

Grayson’s POV

“I’m telling you man, she’s gorgeous.”

“Uh huh,” I said, not really paying attention to my buddy, Dan Eastwood as he talked about the car he was currently drooling over.

“I’m serious, Gray, she’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen. I mean, she has a few issues, okay a lot of issues, but Frankie said I could use the garage after hours and work on her. I’m close too, man. I almost have the cash. A couple more shifts at the garage and she’ll be all mine.”

“Nice,” I said, my eyes scanning the parking lot again. “What time is it?”

“Dude, are you even paying any attention to what I’m saying?” Dan said, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring at me.

I quirked an eyebrow at him, smirking at his offended expression. “Are you pouting right now, Dan?” I asked, punching him in the arm, dodging when he immediately retaliated. “Am I not giving you enough attention? I’m sorry, baby.”

“Shut the fuck up, man,” Dan growled, lunging at me, fists raised. He threw a few punches but I dodged easily. Dan was big and muscle bound but he wasn’t the most agile guy. If he caught you though, he could pack a damn good punch. I’d ended up on my ass more than a few times thanks to Dan’s meaty fists.

“Okay, okay, truce,” I said, holding my hands up in surrender, waiting until Dan dropped his fists before letting my own hands fall to my sides, digging into my pocket for my cell phone. I frowned at the time. The bell was going to ring any minute now.

“What’s up with you today, Gray? You seem...weird.”

“Nothing,” I said, hearing the irritation in my own voice as I scanned the parking lot once more, scowling when I still didn’t see her anywhere. Was she skipping? She never skipped.

I looked down at my phone again, gritting my teeth at the hour, telling myself to just give up when the sound of crunching gravel caught my attention. My eyes narrowed on the BMW practically burning rubber through the parking lot as it pulled into a spot near the front of the school, close to where Dan and I were standing.

Nell’s sister and her idiot boyfriend got out first and I gritted my teeth when Paige slammed her door with Nell still in the backseat of the two door car. Brian moved around the car and I heard Paige squeal as she launched herself at him, wrapping her legs around his waist and giggling as they proceeded to have a serious PDA session.

My gaze moved back to the car, watching Nell as she tried to balance her bag and a few books while getting out of the car, her expression pinched as she slammed the door and looked at the small watch on her wrist.

“We’re going to be late,” Nell said, her voice soft, timid as she tried to get her sister’s attention.

The two lovebirds pulled apart and Brian grinned. “Let’s skip, babe. I don’t feel like putting up with all the bullshit today.”

Paige’s grin widened as she nodded and Nell frowned. “Paige, you already skipped the last two days.”

“What are you, my mom?” Paige snapped, glaring over her shoulder at her sister. “Just fuck off, will you? You’re going to be late, Nell. What are you going to do if you’re perfect record is tarnished?” She gave a fake gasp and covered her mouth before tilting her head back and giggling in a way that sounded like nails on a chalkboard to me. Brian gave a few chuckles too before setting Paige down, slapping her on the ass as she climbed back into the car.

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