Chapter 21

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Hi, this is a relatively short chapter, but Chapter 22 will be posted within a week; I always feel bad when I haven’t posted anything for a couple of weeks, so here is a taster to keep you going -  do hope you like it.

At the end of chapter 20 I asked whether you were Team Serge or Team Miles – your responses were overwhelmingly in favour of Miles.

I’ve decided to start dedicating my chapters to Wattpad authors whose work I read and enjoy. So I am dedicating this chapter to SaintlyScarlet; I only discovered her books this week, when browsing the Wattpad non-teen fiction club; I particularly like two of her works, “Beautifully Broken” and “Another to Catch”, both are romances; I defy any of you not to fall for Professor Davenport in “Beautifully Broken” – he’s delicious!



When Rose woke the next morning, she was amazed when she realised that she must have slept in. It was gone eight o’clock, she couldn’t believe it. Normally Lloyd woke her up by six am, latest, every day.

She could hear sound and movement in the flat and listened more carefully to gauge whether she needed to get out of bed yet; she could make out Mile’s deep voice and he was talking to someone else too; it sounded like Nat; she must have come back early this morning.

Oh lord, thought Rose, she hoped Miles had had more than just his trunks on when Nat walked in. And, of course, Nat might jump to all kinds of conclusions about her and Miles. Rose hadn’t anticipated her sister being back in the flat quite so early.

She could hear Lloyd too and he wasn’t making a fuss so clearly someone must have given him his breakfast – it must have been Miles. Astonishing really, she thought to herself as she eased herself back onto the pillows and enjoyed the novelty of a few more minutes peace, that within a week he was not only back in her life but had bonded with Lloyd, had stayed overnight in her flat and was in fact proving to be a competent, loving and hands on Dad.

He’d never been one to mess around though; when he knew he wanted something he went for it one hundred per cent. Which was why, since he was making it as clear as he could that he wanted Rose back, she truly believed that it was not just so that he would have access to Lloyd, she knew instinctively that if he no longer had any feelings for her he would not be sticking around like this, he would simply and single mindedly pursue a custody arrangement for access to Lloyd.

Mentally Rose browsed again the options as to how her relationship with Miles might develop.  The question that she returned to again and again was, could she accept Miles back into her life as if nothing had happened? And if she did take him back, was it going to be unconditionally?

Now that he was back though, deep down inside she felt hugely relieved that she was getting another chance to be with him; when Lloyd had been born she had been desperate for Miles to turn up, certain that once he set eyes on their gorgeous firstborn he would be bound to come back to them.

So, lost in the emotion of giving birth and becoming a mother she had sent him pictures of Lloyd; when she received no acknowledgement of them, nor of the ones she sent a month and a couple of months later, her attitude towards him had started to harden. She did start to wonder if he did after all have a heart of stone and she had been so smitten that she had failed to see it.

Now, he had told her that he had never seen the pictures, that they had been concealed from him. In a way, this was a relief. If it was true and she had no reason to doubt it, then he had every right to be aggrieved with Max or whoever else it was who had denied him an opportunity to heal things up with her and to spend those first precious months with his son.

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