Prologue: Isla Joy

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Isla (eye-la)

December 8, 2010 3:57 a.m.

Luke nervously paced in the waiting room of labor and delivery. This couldn't be happening. Was he really about to become a father? He was only 19 years old for crying out loud! But these things happened.

He just wished the baby would be born to parents who loved each other. He and Melissa were worse than democrats and republicans. She didn't even want him in the delivery room for Pete's sake. How they had lasted as long as they did, puzzled him. The past 7 1/2 months had been rough. They tried to get along but they were constantly pissing each other off.

So here he stood at four a.m., pacing the waiting room for word on when his child was born.

At least after hours of discussing it, they had been able to decide on names. It did seem to take forever though. "Son, you're wearing a hole in the carpet," his father spoke as he waited with his son.

Luke couldn't have done this without his parents' support. They along with his younger brother, Henry, had flown into Boston two days ago for the baby's arrival. The three arrived at the hospital six hours ago when Luke had called to tell them the baby was on the way.

His mother was in the delivery room with Melissa right now. She actually liked his mother. Henry slept in an awkward position in the cushioned chair. "I'm just so nervous, dad," Luke replied, sitting down beside his father.

"Who isn't? You should've seen me when John was born."

"At least you got along with mom."

"Well that's kind of why I married her," his father chuckled. A small smile appeared on Luke's face. "We all make mistakes, son. I'm proud of you for not running away from this."

"As if you and mom would have let me," Luke said, making both he and his father laugh.

Eileen Kuechly walked down the hall and into the waiting room. Smiling from ear to ear. Sure the circumstances weren't the best but she was a grandmother now.

Luke glanced up as his mother entered the room. He quickly tapped on his dad as he stood up. "Mom?"

"Since ten minutes ago, you have a beautiful, healthy, baby girl," Eileen smiled. Luke engulfed his mother in a hug. "So what's her name? Melissa said she'd let you tell me."

"Isla Joy," Luke smiled, "what room are they in?"

"215," Eileen replied, "we'll wait awhile before coming in."

Luke nodded before taking off to find the room his daughter was in.

He opened the door to room 215 and shut it softly behind him. Melissa looked up. "Hey."

"Hey," Luke replied, as an awkward tension entered the room. They weren't a couple in love who would rejoice together in the birth of their child.

"You wanna hold her?"

"Did you have to ask?" Luke smiled, taking his child in his arms. The baby girl's eyes fluttered open and stared into her father's. "Hey, baby girl. I'm your daddy."

It felt like hours, in reality, it was only a few minutes, as Luke just stared at his daughter.

This tiny little human being, he'd created her. He was responsible for her.

Eileen peeked her head in, noticing a sleeping Melissa and her son with tears in his eyes.

"Luke?" Eileen said, "You wanna bring her out here and introduce her to the rest of the family? John just got here."

"Ok," Luke said, wiping the unshed tears and stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him. "Everyone meet Isla Joy," he smiled proudly.

"Well aren't you the sweetest thing," Tom smiled, gazing at his granddaughter for the first time.

"Can I hold her?" Eileen asked.

"Of course," Luke smiled, handing his newborn daughter to his mother.

He instantly wanted her back but knew he would have plenty of time for that later.

Even though his daughter hadn't been brought into the world under the best circumstances, Luke couldn't imagine being happier.

As it normally does, life didn't go as expected. the next couple of weeks. All was fine between Melissa and Luke until she visited her family for the first time since Isla had been born.

They didn't approve of her keeping the baby. They thought Melissa should've put her up for adoption.

Luke had an uneasy feeling when she left his place for her parents after dropping off their daughter. He knew something was up when she picked Isla up later that night too.

On Christmas Eve, Melissa announced to him that she was transferring to from Boston to USC and was signing over her parental rights to him.

Luke was left stunned. He was a 19-year-old, sophomore in college, and played football. How was he supposed to take care of a baby too?

As classes started up again in January, Luke reluctantly put his one-month-old daughter into daycare and hired a babysitter for those late night study groups. Luckily for him, football season was over for the year.

But he loved his little girl. She had him wrapped around her finger and miss Isla Joy brought so much to her daddy's life.

No matter how hard he tried, Luke could never resist saying no to having tea parties and playing dress up with his baby girl.

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