Chapter Thirty-Three: Bubbly

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• I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
It starts in my toes, and I crinkle my nose
Where ever it goes I always know
That you make me smile, please, stay for a while now
Just take your time wherever you go •

Aug 11, 2016, 5:46 am

There was a long pause in the room. Luke squeezed the woman's hand to reassure her as they both watch the doctors expectantly. Then, it happened. The reassuring cries of a newborn hung in the room, cries that the doctor would later tell them were surprisingly strong for a premie born at 34 weeks. To both parents there would never be a more assuring, more beautiful sound than their son's cries in that moment.

Their son was quickly passed off to a NICU doctor, who assessed him to make sure he didn't need to be rushed off to the NICU and cleaned him up. After the longest minutes of Lydia's life passed, she brought the tiny little boy over and gently laid him on Lydia's chest.

"I can give you about 20 minutes before we need to take him to the NICU," She smiled softly.

Lydia only nodded, captivated by her little boy. "He's so tiny," tears flooded the woman's eyes as her son settled. She could feel his tiny little heart beating strong and his chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. All her fears and worries dissipated with her son resting on her.

Luke continued to hold Lydia's hand in his as he slowly touched his son's back. He couldn't help but let out a soft, joyful laugh. "He's so small." Luke swallowed, his own tears forming.

"He's beautiful," Lydia sighed, kissing the baby's hand.

Luke nodded as the adults sat in awe of their little boy. He was tiny, precious, and perfect.

"What do you think of the world, little Seth?" Luke smiled breaking the long silence.

"I think he was very eager to arrive," Lydia laughed, kissing his head. This all felt like a dream.

"As much as we love meeting you, we wish you had waited a little while longer to make your appearance," Luke smiled.

"Hey, don't start guilt-tripping him already," Lydia teased. "He did nothing wrong. For all we know, it could've been my uterus telling him to get the hell out."

Luke laughed, playfully covering Seth's ears. "Watch your language."

"I'm sorry, Seth. Mommy will try better not to use bad words." Lydia apologized. "He is most definitely a Seth." She looked over to Luke.

Luke nodded in agreement. "Most definitely. Welcome to the world Seth Branson Kuechly."

Lydia thought she would never stop smiling as Luke carefully took their baby into his arms for a few precious minutes. Too soon, however, the NICU doctor came in with a nurse and resident to take Seth to the NICU. Immediately, Lydia wanted to fight them or beg them to let Seth stay just a couple of minutes longer, but she knew he needed to go. Even though he was healthy and strong enough to stay for several minutes after his birth, both parents were very aware that he could have some health setbacks very soon.

"You should go with them until he's settled."

Are you sure?" Luke looked back and forth between Lydia and his son.

"Yeah," Lydia nodded. "He can do that, right?"

"Of course," the NICU doctor smiled.

Luke kissed Lydia's head. "I'll be back once he's settled."

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