Chapter 2 - Step-monsters

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~ They were beautiful, with fair faces, but evil and dark hearts. ~

Cindy still remembers the day that the step-idiots moved in to her father's house. It was the day after the honeymoon and Cindy was around ten years old.

"Honey, I'm home!" Her father had called out to her.

She had ran to the door, only to fall back when she saw that he didn't just have with him the wife he'd been talking about all summer, but two girls as well. One girl was holding a small fluffy kitten. She wasn't fooled by its seemingly cute outside, its eyes were full of malice.

"Cindy," he had said, "these are your new sisters, Ana and Drew."

"Hello, I'm Cindy," She smiled warmly at them.

The two had given her a strange look and one scowled at her, "We know already, it wasn't like your father wouldn't stop talking about you the whole ride over."

Cindy still smiled brightly at the two, certain that they were just grumpy during the ride. She'd never been to Beverly Hills, where they came from, but had assumed that it was far enough away to cause them to be so grumpy.

"Cindy can show you two to your rooms and I can show your mother hers," her father had said.

She kept her smile bright and showed them to their room, which was considerably smaller than hers. Cindy was, after all, her father's one and only favorite.

Then, she started to notice, a little bit after her new mother moved in, that her father was spending more and more time with her new mother and less and less time with Cindy. She was jealous, who wouldn't be?

"Don't worry, Honey," he had told her after she voiced her concern to her father, "you'll always be my best girl."


"Yes, always."

He'd also given Cindy her favorite bracelet. It was a simple silver charm bracelet, but it had been her mother's. It had only four charms: One of a music note, for her father's musical talents, another of an E (For her mother's name was Ella, which also happened to be her middle name), one of a teddy bear, her favorite toy when she was little, and the last of a heart.

In short, it was the best thing she owned.

It was a couple weeks after that that her father became dreadfully ill. He stopped singing at the coffee shop and stayed home more often. He could barely get out of bed without feeling tipsy and whenever he did eat, he would only throw it back up an hour later.

Around four months of him staying in bed passed until he died. Cindy was moved into the basement a little after the funeral and her two step-sisters moved into Cindy's room.

She was now eighteen, as were her step-sisters. Although, they weren't the brightest for people who were technically adults.

Ana was nicer than Drew, but only because she was more naive and a little less like her mother than Drew. Ana and Drew weren't very pretty, but they had their strong suits.

Ana was a red head while Drew had black hair. She used to joke with Fanny as a kid that they only followed Evelyn around in hopes that her beauty would rub off on them, but Cindy soon learned that Evelyn's beauty didn't go below the first layer of her porcelain skin.

Fanny, however, was pretty through and through. She always seemed to be there when Cindy needed her most, when her father died, when she sprained her ankle in freshmen year, and when she had her first heartbreak. She seemed to be there through all of Cindy's falls, which she was thankful for.

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