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Chapter Eight

I'm coming back for you.

(Brian on the side)

Minutes, maybe even hours, passed and I was still alternating between running and walking through the abandoned forest and the never-ending countryside. The cold breeze smacked against my burning face, causing tears to stream down my face, but I quickly brushed them off. Fuck yeah. I did it!
These stupid bastards were going to regret kidnapping me. No way that I would let them get away with this. Kathleen, Steven, and Kimberly would probably get a mild punishment because I would tell the police that they were dragged into this whole mess. Andrew and Damian, on the other hand, would get the whole fucking program. They would beg for mercy when I was done with them. And Jason? Well, I decided that since he was the one helping me to escape, I wouldn't mention his name even once. Even though he told me that he was a part of the family and that the police would arrest him too, I was going to tell them that he wasn't there when they captured me. I would tell them that I've never seen his face before which meant that he couldn't have been a part of this whole kidnap-thing. In case they would arrest him either way then fuck it. This wasn't my problem.

When I finally decided to catch my breath, I sighted some lights and a yellow sign: Augusta, Montana – 10 miles.
What the fuck? There were 10 more miles to go? Dang it! My body begged me to take a break, but I couldn't. I couldn't allow myself to rest. The nagging pain in my ankle heated my whole body and the remained scratches over my arms started to itch. Okay Haley, one short break to calm down from the adrenaline.
"What the actual fuck am I doing out here? What time is it? What time was it when I started to run? Fuck, I will probably die out here and then animals are going to start to eat me until there are only bones left", I whispered slowly under my breath and watched a whiff of air appearing and disappearing in front of my mouth.
And then, out of nowhere, a rough hand snapped around my frame, covering my mouth; shutting me up completely. My green eyes immediately popped open while I desperately tried to struggle out of the grip which firmly pressed me against a heated body. Oh my god! Someone was going to kill me. Rape!
My eyes grew bigger with each second that passed. No. No. No. No. NO! Jason or Damian or whoever, FUCKING HELP ME!!!
"Shh", a deep voice breathed next to my ear and every single hair on my body straightened up. A cold shiver ran down my spine. No Haley! You are a motherf'in badass, don't you forget about that! You've escaped from kidnappers! You played them hard! So, there is no way that you'll give your new gained freedom up for a filthy serial killer or rapist!
My left food was lifted within a second and I kicked with all the force that I was able to gather against the place where the bells were surely going to ring until tomorrow.
"Oomph." The hand on my mouth pulled back, and I turned around to face the son of the bitch who clearly messed with the wrong lady!
Two ocean-blue eyes were staring up at me, and I recognized the person laying in a fetus position in front of me instantly. Damian was protecting his testicles, and I imagined seeing a single tear escaping his right eye. A malicious smirk stretched over my lips.
"You are one lucky bastard! I could've killed you! What the actual heck were you even thinking? Bloody hell! I've thought someone was about to rape me. Jesus, you gave me the biggest heart attack I've ever had. Do you know that 1 out of 3 women is a survivor of sexual violence or intimate partner violence? 33 %, Damian think about it. How dare you to-", he cut me off by throwing a snowball, missing my face completely.
"Could you just shut up Haley?", he hissed before he tried to come back onto his feet. His blue eyes piercing into mine.

"Do you know that nearly 600 people are raped every day here in the US, one every two minutes and only 40% of those are reported to the police?"
"Haley just calm down", he put his left hand on my shoulder, but I shook it off instinctively.
"How the hell should I calm down when I thought that I was going to be raped?", I yelled and swallowed the lump in my throat before hiccups started to gain the upper hand.
"Are you- are you crying?", he asked, and I brushed a hot tear away, staring into those two piercing blue eyes.
"Listen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you", he apologized, and I scoffed. Pfh. I didn't believe a word he said. I bet he was glad that he found me to bring me back to his goddamn house. How the heck did he even find me? Today was definitely not one of my best days!
"Haley look at me", he summoned, but I turned my head to my left, ignoring him completely. I shouldn't have stopped. I should've taken the dark way through the forest or maybe, I should've paid more attention to the two lights in front of me instead of praising the sign.
"Hey. Hey! Shh. It's only me", he whispered before he wrapped his hands around me, pulling me into his chest.
"Don't touch me!"
"Shh!" His heartbeat and the heat radiating off him unwillingly calmed me down, and I rested my head on his chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
Even though I hated Damian to my guts, I needed this hug more than I would've ever admitted. Damn, I was so glad that it was only him who was freaking scaring the shit out of me. A smile played around my lips.
"Okay have you calmed down Hal-belle?"
"Yes", my answer quiet and anger immediately rose the moment he called me by this stupid nickname of his.
"Okay then... please tell me. What the fuck were you thinking when you tried to escape again? Damnit, Haley! I should call myself lucky that I was on the way back home when they called me! Props up, you made it quite far!", he basically shouted at me, and I wiggled out of his embrace. Thank you, Damian, for fanning the flame inside me again.
"Did you really believe that I would've stayed there and play happy family? I am not your family and I am sure as hell that I will never be a part of this sick little image in all of your twisted heads!" His blue eyes stabbed mine before I took one step back.

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