A New Case

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Chapter 4

After the party had ended, Elizabeth said her goodbyes and left me alone with Hannibal who had been gazing at me since the auction ended. He must have sense that I'm not that comfortable with him.

"uhhmm.. " That's the only sound that came out of my mouth. I have to find a way to start a conversation. What to say, what to tell?.

"Miss De Lorienné, are you alright?" He asked and I looked at his brown eyes, captivating. Then I snapped myself to reality.

"I'm sorry Dr. Lecter, I just zoned out a little bit" I said and tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"Oh that's perfectly fine with me Miss De Lorienné" He said and smiled.

"Just call me Valeria, I'm more comfortable with my first name" And I smiled back at him.

When the auction ended I already insist that I'll be the one who will pay but he didn't agree he said he did that to save me and use it as an excuse to invite me for dinner so I won't be able to decline his invitation but he assured me that it's not only us, his friends from the FBI will be in there. I told him ifi won't be a bother to them but he told me that he will like it if I would accompany him. That's when I agree.

"Okay, I'm glad you agree Valeria" He said and we started to walk outside the Opera house. Julio texted me that he will be here in a few minutes that's why I politely declined Hannibal's offer when he said that he'll just take me to my hotel. I didn't want him to bother, he did much to me now, I knew did more I don't know if I can still repay his kindness.

We are now outside, and I can already see the car that will take me back to the hotel. The car stopped in front of us and Julio got out to open the door as usual, Me and Hannibal said our goodbyes and I got in the car. The car then started moving but my eyes were left to the man walking towards the parking lot. I smiled.


Hannibal's POV

As Valeria got in the car my mind was still stuck at her; she resembles someone but I can't quite pinpoint who. I started to walk towards my car but I can't help but feel that there's somebody watching me, I tried to look behind me but saw no one.

I got in my car and started to drive home after going into a detour, concentration is a hard thing for me now because Veleria's face always keep flashing in my mind her eyes it's blue but I see it as ice, her face is like a angel who descended from heaven but can also be a demon lurking in the night. Urgh! .

I didn't realize that already close to my home after all it's just a 40 minutes ride. I started to notice there's someone sitting at my door but I quickly recognized who that person is; Will Graham.

I parked and killed the ignition in my car then got out to walk towards him.

"Will, what are you doing here in the late of night" I asked and he quickly stood up after hearing and seeing me.

"There's been a murder, and Jack wants you in the crime scene. I tried calling you in your phone but I can't contact you" he answered and I took my phone out; it's already off.

"Oh I forgot to reopen it. I was in a charity party actually and visited one of my friends but forget about that, we should go now can't let Jack waiting" I said and we then went to the crime scene.

As we arrived, the smell of blood was the first thing I've recognized. Which is aromatic. Will then quickly let me inside the crime scene.

As we went inside the FBI are putting a large tent, questioning myself their reason when it started to rain. I then walk towards the body of the victim.

But I notice something odd about it.

"Dr. this victim was murdered just an hour after I went to get you that's why the blood is still that fresh" He said but I intervene.

"But it's been an hour some of the blood had been dry by this time but it's not which is not usual as our past case" I said then looked at the body once more it was mutilated but nothing was removed the killer just opened the victim up.

"The killer did everything by using a scalpel and... " He said and took a long look at the victim.

"This is not where the crime was made, the killer just brought him here so we would find his masterpiece" Will continue explaining.

"How are you so sure about that Will?, is the Chesapeake Ripper the one responsible to this?" I asked him.

"No, it's impossible that the Ripper was the one who did it, because I notice the way the killer did this" He said and looked at me.

"The killer didn't took any trophy, and I felt the killer he's a she" He said once more.

"So you think the killer is a female?" I questioned him.

"Yes and I'm sure about that I can feel her how she performed this. She did this a container which was sound proof , tranquilized him and gave him anesthesia when he was awake" He said then realized something.

"This victim is a....live" He mumbled and I look at him.

"This victim is still alive!, call the paramedics and Jack" Will shouts and one of the police run towards the paramedics.

"Are you certain that he is alive? He's heart already stopped beating" I asked.

"Yes Dr. Lecter I'm quite certain because she didn't kill him, just mocked him" He said then Jack called us towards the ambulance and saw the man's heart beating faster and faster.

The Ripper's Fair Maidenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें