Chapter 1

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Amelia notices a police car and a familiar boy being put in the back of the car "Derek?" She mumbles under her breath
"Hey what are you doing to him that's my cousin? Let him go!" She yells when she realised what was happening.
"Well to bad missy he is coming to the station with us for assaulting an officer if you wanna join him keep going" says the older deputy
"He is a just a kid give him a break please" she says
"I'm sorry Haigh won't back down just follow us to the station and we will get this worked out so you can take your cousin home"
"Great I really wanted the first place I go after just arriving in town to be a police station" she says
"So your new to town then"
"I grew up here actually I moved away after the fire, I came back as my cousin and uncle needed me and of course I going looking for my cousin and I find him here the last place I want to see while here and he is in the back of a police car"
"You lived in the Hale house?"
"I was there when it was on fire I escaped so did my cousin Cora and my uncle Peter the rest were trap that kid lost almost everyone in that fire he just needs to be given a break"
"I'm sorry I'm sure you can talk to the sheriff and he will sort this out"
"I guess I have to huh"
"Welcome back to beacon hill"
"Yeah thanks.."
"Jordan , Jordan Parrish"
"Amelia, Amelia Hale"
She followed Parrish and Haigh to the station worried about her cousin after his ordeal with Kate she knew she had done something to him she didn't expect to see the cousin she lost in the fire not looking like he had got any older since she last saw him. The extreme actions of the rude deputy didn't help, Derek looked terrified and confused she has to get to him before he speaks to anyone. Amelia gets delayed in traffic and when she get to the police station Derek isn't there.
"Hey Deputy Parrish I got stuck in traffic can you please tell me where my cousin is?" She says as nicely as she can with out making it obvious how annoyed she is to find her cousin not there.
"His friends got him out I told him to make sure he called you and let you know I'm sorry" Parrish replied a slightly guilty and regretful look on his face noticing how tense she is believing it to be worry about her cousin. He goes to ask about her cousin more and about why he came up as a adult man instead of a 16 year old boy but she speaks before he has the chance.
"It's fine I just really need to talk to him he had a fight with our uncle which is why he ran off he is to stay with me until they sort it out so I need to know which friends he is with so I can let him know that he doesn't have to go home to my uncle" she say with a worried look on her face.
"Oh ok he is with Scott and Stiles" says Parrish
"Scott McCall?" She asks curiously
"Yeah" he says
"Thanks Parrish" Lia replied with a smile on her face she see to relax for a moment when she meets his eyes. Before she turns to start walking away but Parrish grabs her arm gently and she turns back to him.
"It's ok Amelia and please call me Jordan" he says making her meet his eyes and smiling sweetly at her.
"Ok only if you call me Lia, Amelia is too formal" she says an equally sweet smile on her lips neither realising how close they are standing. They both snap out of it after a moment and Parrish says "Deal Lia"
Parrish walks her out of the station to her car.
"See you later Jordan" she says as she gets in her car and turns the ignition
She smiles before driving off to the McCall house hoping to find Derek there. As she walks to the the door of the familiar house she sees to shadows in the corner of her eye but ignores it when the door is opened by none other than Scott McCall and his best friend Stiles.
"Scott and Stiles I assume"
"Who's asking ?"
"Amy ? What are you doing in Beacon Hills?" Says Agent McCall walking to the door
"Family emergency I was told that my cousin was here and I need to see him"
"Oh he is upstairs why don't you show her Scott" he says before walking away
Scott and stiles lead her upstairs
"Who are you? And how does my dad know you ? What do you want ?"
"My name is Amelia Hale, I have worked as a consultant for the FBI on and off for the last few years worked with your father a few times and what I want is to find my cousin Derek Hale who is not here so now I have to go" Scott grabs her arm
"We believe he went with Kate Argent who.."
"Has become a Werejaguar and was never actually dead I know that already part of the reason I'm here to protect my family" she says
"Well we are going to see Peter for help you should come with us to find Derek"
"So uncle Peter came back from the dead that's interesting I guess it is the best option I will follow you in my car"

I do not own Teen Wolf or it's plot or character sadly only the characters of my own creation such as Amelia Hale.
Starrzz 🌟🌟

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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