Randomly Seeing Him

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You didn't usually see Slender if it wasn't late at night or off in the woods, but it wasn't unusual to sometimes see him overlooking the children at the park, making sure they're safe. Surprisingly, Slenderman loves kids, and if they are unsafe, he often helps them to ensure that they are okay. Despite the urban legends about him hunting children and adults alike, he mostly just goes after adults. He explained it to you once, something about how children haven't experienced enough of the world and that they're to young to have done anything wrong unlike adults.

Jeff The Killer
Jeff hardly ever came out before nine-pm. He had only done it once, and that was because he was forced out of his place of hiding, a place you knew very little of, other than the fact that it is a refuge for the killers that need shelter for short amounts of times. This implied that there are a lot of others out there like Jeff, and you secretly prayed you'd never meet any of the others, mostly out of fear. And when he showed up at your house at five-pm, soaked in a thick layer of blood, you were frustrated with him but also slightly frightened. You sometimes forget that he is, in fact, a murderer who kills for fun. Nevertheless, you helped him inside and let him take a shower and cleaned his clothes for him.

BEN Drowned
You always seen BEN. He followed you around almost everywhere, school included. He'd send you creepy little texts here and there, nothing ever too serious, though. Being out and about you'd catch the occasional glimpse of him in your peripheral vision, though he'd hardly ever approach you. So when he did finally approach you, looking like a normal person, you were sort of...shocked. He didn't have on his Link costume and he was a little taller than normal. Your friends seemed to think he was attractive, though that annoyed you a little.

Eyeless Jack
After you and Jack had gotten close, he showed up in your house a lot more often than he probably should. But you didn't really mind seeing him, he was fun to talk to and told funny jokes. He always seemed to make you smile, and you always tried to ignore the looming thought of him killing people. On this particular day, you had spotted him outside one of your classroom doors while you were in class. You almost gasped out loud, seeing as how it was broad daylight and there's no doubt that someone had already seen him. You ended up going out there to see what he wanted (you told your teacher you needed to pee). Turns out he had a new joke and couldn't wait to tell you.

Dark Link
Dark only showed up on rare occasions. Your birthday, while you raged playing video games. Occasionally at two-am to scare the piss out of you. But when you saw him in the back of your car while you were driving to get some food, you nearly crashed the car. To say the least, he apologized many many times after that, and definitely received a very firm talking to about when it is and isn't acceptable for him to just poof into existence around you. This had now taken cake for the worst timing, since the last time he poofed in, which was while you were in the shower (and yes, he poofed into the shower with you).

Lost Silver
Silver being Silver, he was shy. And he didn't really enjoy large crowds. But he did sometimes pop in just to see how you're doing. To make sure you were alright, and not dead. He loved talking to you, and would whenever he possibly could. His most recently visit was while you were at a party with some friends, and you were absolutely drunk out of your mind. Silver didn't really know how to react, but he tried his best to take care of you. In the morning, he was still there to comfort you. But he didn't mention the fact that all night all you wanted to do was hug him and tried to kiss him a few times.

Ticci Toby
He always showed up at the pond. Sometimes in the barn, other times in your bedroom. You saw him all the time. He hardly ever showed up around you if you're not at home. One day, though, he randomly showed up at the cinema, while you were with your closest friend, (F/N). You almost didn't know it was him, he didn't have his mask on, nor his goggles. His clothes weren't bloody or dirty, but you did see the faint outline of his hatchet on his pant leg, which made you smile a tad bit. After you had finished your movies you went up to him and scared him a little, laughed as he let out a little squeal.

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