Chapter Five

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The next morning Maebh got a call from Bear asking if she wanted to go to Whitehorse with him and Logan. She hesitated for a moment as she had been planning to tidy the garage, but a burst of impulsivity had urged her to agree.

The sunny weather had given way to dark clouds and sad skies, and the upcoming days weren't looking any brighter. She lay on the sofa, staring outside as the sound of rain hammering against the rooftop permeated the cabin.

Tires scrunching on gravel announced the approach of a vehicle, followed by a honk. Maebh made her way outside, groaning to herself as the cold air and water drops hit her in the face -knowing full well that she shouldn't have worn shorts.

Bear was leaning against the side of his car, raring to go, unfazed by the sky's tears.

They were just steps apart when Maebh's breath hitched at a sharp pain in her head. Swearing, she pinched the bridge of her nose. She could hear something, not a voice but a sound that tugged at her.

"Mae...?" The uncertainty on Bear's face must have mirrored her own as she searched her mind for the source of the force. In result, the sound only became more intense to where it hurt to think. She clapped her hands to her ears.

With caution, Bear stepped towards her, his hands grabbing a hold of hers, easing them from her ears. "Hey.." He breathed. "You okay?"

At once, the sound vanished, replaced by the splattering of raindrops. Maebh's mouth gaped wide open with speechless abandon. Whatever she wanted to say, refusing to take shape on her tongue.

"What the feckin' hell was that." She eventually spluttered.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"It.. It hurt." She muttered, her face scrunching up.

"It's gone now though, right?"

Maebh nodded. "I think so, yes."

He studied her, his hands now moving up to her shoulders. "We can go out some other time if you're not feeling up for it?"

"No- no, it's alright. Let's just go, I'm getting soaked out here."

As if only just noticing the dreary weather, Bear gazed upward and lead her towards the passenger's seat.

"That's my girl." He said with a smile that elicited a blush.

As soon as Maebh sat down in the car, a pair of small arms enveloped her neck from the backseat, and although Logan's enthusiasm was very endearing, it was also close to suffocating her.

The engine roared to life and made a worrisome clattering noise as they got going. The car trundled down the land and small streets that led out on to the main road, and then the motorway.

Throughout the ride, Bear kept sending her meaningful stares. And yet, he was amiable; keeping his questions and comments to benign things like the weather and the music playing on the radio. She wondered why he had even asked her to come along if he continued to act like he was walking on eggshells.

The dark mood did nothing to hold back Logan as he talked about school, his toys and anything else that came to mind. And though he seemed to prefer talking about himself, he was as curious by nature as the next kid.

"Mae, how old are you?" Logan asked.

"Wait, I'll show you." She said and held up two hands.

Logan held up his own hands, whispering numbers as he counted the amount of fingers she held up.


"Yes!" She applauded and then held up her hands again. "Ten plus..."


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