Scream: Theo

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I stare at Theo sitting on my bed. I lean up against the wall, crossing my arms. Stiles texted me and told me to keep Theo locked in my room, and not let him out of my sight until he and Scott got here. I watched as he made himself comfortable at the edge of my bed, then returned to stare back at me.
"So, can I leave?" He asked.
"What if I run?"
"Stiles told me that if you try and 'escape', his words, that I am allowed to handcuff you to my bed until he arrives, again his words."
"Would you really?" He said with a smirk.
"If I have to."
"Damn." He responds laughing, shaking his head.
"What?" I say, suppressing a laugh.
"I didn't peg you as the kinky type, (y/n). That's all."
"I'm not kinky, just following orders."
"Oh, really? You don't have a kink? Everyone does, even the supernatural."
"Uh huh. Sure. Then tell me Theo, what's your kink?"
"You really want to know?" He asked. I shake my head in response. He smirked, and looks at me with his big eyes.
"My kink is that I get off knowing that I was the reason someone else did." He said with ease.
"What do you mean.."
"I mean that... uhm, say I was with you... I would kiss you until your lips were chaste and your tongue was swollen. I would kiss your naked body until you shivered with every touch. I would lick you until I found that one spot that drives you crazy, until your legs were wrapped around my head, until your hands were interlocked into my hair, and your were pushing me deeper. I wouldn't stop until I could run my hands on your body, and every inch would quiver," he slowly stands up," I would not stop until every single time I would even breathe on your skin, you would moan my name." He walks up to me, I swallow hard. He pushes my hips to the wall, and rests his hot lips into the crease of my neck.
"I will make you pant like a werewolf, I'll electrify your body like a kitsune, and I'll make your scream like a banshee." He started kissing down my neck, and left a bite on my collar bone. His hands went into my shirt, and his warm fingers traced up my stomach. With every touch it felt like I weakened.
"Close your eyes." He demanded in a whisper. I did. His hands left my body, and the loss of contact was leaving me in withdrawl. The only thing I heard next was the sound of my door slamming open.
"(Y/N), where the hell is he?" Questioned Stiles. My attention is pulled to the open window in the room. I walked over to the window and picked up a small piece of paper. It read, ' Thanks for the entertainment. I can't wait to see you again. Maybe I really could make you scream... ;) -Theo'
"Fuck." Says Stiles.
"Shit." I respond.

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