Part 3

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We are now all in the living room watching some romance movie. At some point Elijah pulled me over to him and now has his arms wrapped around me with my head on his chest. At first I freaked out think what the heck is he doing but then remembered it was for his mom's benefit. 

"Well Si are you going to stay for dinner?" Ms. Smith asked as she got up.

"I don't want to intrude-"

"Oh no sweetie you wouldn't be an intruding on anything." his mom exclaimed

"Okay then I don't see why I couldn't. Is that okay with you Elijah?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he mumbled looking down at his phone. Him mom walked over and waked him over the head.

"Ouch. What?" Elijah grumbled as he glared at his mom while rubbing his head.

"Take Sienna with you to go pick up you little brothers." she said as she walked away.

Once he got up and grabbed his jacket he headed to the door with me in tow. Mrs. Smith had been telling me about her two younger boys who are crazy, wild, and energetic but they are pretty sweet. I couldn't wait to meet them but for some reason I felt like I shouldn't be here. Maybe I should go home before Mrs. Smith convinced me to stay.

"Hey. Elijah I'm just going to head home. I don't want to intrude in your family anymore than I already have. So Bye." I told him as I turned in the opposite direction as he was headed and in the direction of my home.

"Wait! Don't go yet. You haven't met my brothers yet and my mom really wants you to stay for dinner." Elijah said as he grabbed my elbow and turned me around to where I saw a buss coming stopping.

"um... I have to get home for my mom?" it was supposed to come out a statement but sounded more like a question.

"Well call her and ask if you can stay" Elijah said as he pulled out his phone and handed it to me. I pretended to talk to her since she wasn't home and was at work so Elijah didn't get suspicious. She at work trying to get more money for me.

"She said okay" I mumbled passing him the phone as two little boys came running at him.

"Jah Jah" they screamed as they jumped into Elijah's waiting arms. After they let go they turned to me and then hid behind Elijah.

"Who are you?" one asked. He had blond hair and blue eyes. Well they both did but he had a mischievous glint in his eyes compared to the other one who looked like he was very kind and did not like doing mean things.

"I am Sienna but you can call me whatever you want." I said as I crouched down to be eye level with them.  

"Really? " They vvdask as they came closer to me. I nodded to them as they began to think of what to call me.

"Okay for now we will call you Si Si. Well I'm Blake and this is Ranger" the mischievous looking one stated triumphantly as they took of running to the house.

"So Si Si what do you think of my family?" Elijah asked as we followed the boys but walking.

" I think you have a wonderful family. I hope everything works out as planed for making your mom happy, and I hope she wins this fight." I said as I looked at the house again taking in its true beauty.

"Me too, Me too" I heard him whisper as we walked into his wonderful home.

Once we entered the kitchen for dinner I took a seat beside Elijah across from Blake, I was across from Ranger. While Mrs. Smith sat at the head of the table. There was so much food on the table to pick from. I watched as the three boys scooped as much as possible on there plate while I took little tiny servings as I'm not used to that much food. Mrs. Smith also piled quite a bit but not as much as the boys but more than mine.

"So dear whats your full name?" Mrs. Smith asked

" Sienna Lynn Lycan " I stated with a kind smile on my face.

"What a pretty name. So what's your favorites subject in school?" She asked

"Well I enjoy writing and I also enjoy math but I like writing even more." I said before I took a bite of food.

"So do you want to mager in writing or English when in college?" Um I don't really know how to answer that, since I most likely want be able to go to college when I disappear.

"Well um yeah I guess" I chuckled slightly trying to make it sound believable. I saw her frown for a second but then smile again as her eyes widened a little.

"Oh my. How did you to meet?" She asked looking between me and Elijah.

" you want to tell her?" I asked looking at Elijah for help.

"Um well. One day I was walking down the hallway at school and saw Si trip and fall. Her books went everywhere  and so I helped her pick them all up. I hadn't seen her face yet but once I did I got one glimpse of her eyes and knew that she was the one I want to spend my time with." He stated as he stared into my eyes with love. So much love It felt so real that I forgot for a second this was all fake and just for show just for his mom.

"Awwww" Mrs. Smith said looking at us with glee. I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked at her. "Now Sienna tell me your view of the story."

"Well I didn't really trip and fall I was shoved but like Elijah said my books went every where and I was trying to get them all when I saw a hand reaching out to pick some up that where further away from me. Once I looked and saw I had everything except for what he had I let out a sigh and looked up at him. When I saw his eye I felt like they were the most beautiful thing in the world. As i started to take in his all his features I knew it was Elijah and I couldn't believe it was him so at first I couldn't breath so I started choking and he was right by my side to help me. He made sure I was okay before handing my other books to me. I was speechless when he asked me to go out with him, he also walked me to my classes and saved me from my main bullies. I'm very glad I met your son Mrs. Smith. " I said with a loving look in my eyes as I glanced at Elijah only to see him only looking at me.

Once we were done Mrs. Smith asked to take a walk with me around through garden and pond area.

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