Chapter Four

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Hey all! Thank you so much for all your votes and comments! I hope this one is long enough, longer than the previous chapter.



Today was Dawn Day, I arrived to school looking like a person who just smelled a dead rat while climbing up and down the Himalayas.

I was on my way to my first period, Math, I saw a silvery pot of heaven right in front of me. I walked slowly in disbelief, blinking a million times to make sure it was not an illusion!

It was just a water fountain.

I bent down to the silvery pot of heaven, letting its water trickle my dehydrated lips, my tongue begged to intrude, oh the sensation of hydration! It was all me and my water... just us.

But of course in Chloe Land, you were never alone. Someone pushed my head hard towards the fountain, I gasped loudly, causing me to choke on the water and hit my teeth hard on the water pouring piece of metal.

It was no other than Steven.

I looked at him with eyes of rage, my eyes did the talking, since I never dared to speak, if speech was silver then silence was gold, but it was mostly because I was choking. But the guy just laughed anyway.

I rubbed my finger against my teeth, checking for any damages, none thankfully. I guess my body came with a 'super immunity' package when I was born, I always liked to believe that that was my super power.

"Good Morning, Ms. Henderson," my teacher greeted me.

I just smiled slightly and waved, scared that my teeth might fall out any second. Our math class was interrupted by no other than Ms. Terry, she was the guidance councilor, everyone just loved her because she was so friendly with them. I didn't, I thought she was a human cheese ball with nothing but lies and hypocriticism coming out of her mouth.

Ms. Terry came to class once per month to talk to us about different things, like bullying, eating disorders, inner beauty, and friends, I think you get it now.

"I want all of you to tell me your ambitions! Let's start from this row," she said, pointing at the row next to me.

"I wanna be an astronaut," a kid named James said.

"Yeah and fly to Uranus!" Steven yelled out, the whole class erupted in fits of laughter.

"That's enough, Steve. I think it's a really good thing to be an astronaut, I know you'll be one someday." She said, I rolled my eyes in disbelief, what a liar.

Then James' row was done, most of them wanted to be doctors or lawyers and all that usual stuff, well except for James. Poor kid.

Then it was my row, I was before the last seat of our row, there were four seats ahead of me.

I didn't know why I was scared, I guess it was because I didn't know the answer.

First student of row two, done.

Second student, done.

Third student, done.

Fourth student, done.

Then it was my turn.

I got up from my chair and looked at Ms. Terrypocrite, "I never really knew your name! That's so silly of me! Do you mind introducing yourself, please?"


"My name is Chloe Henderson," I said.

"That's a beautiful name, Chloe! So what do you want to be?"

I looked at her frozenly, until someone filled in the blank for me.


The class burst into laughter after trying to keep it in. I felt my eyes filling up with tears so I headed out of the room and ran to the nearest bathroom and got into the first stall I saw.

I heard someone open the door, "Christy? Christy?" I heard Ms. Terry shout out.

Christy? Seriously?

I stood on the toilet hoping she wouldn't notice I was there. It fortunately worked, and she left the bathroom.

I closed the lid of the toilet seat and sat down, and I wiped my tears away with the sleeve of jacket.

I wanted to slap myself for crying so easily, for giving in just like that.

"Shut up, Chloe," I told myself, it wasn't sweet Dr. Chloe this time, I didn't know who is was.

I gulped really hard, wiped my eyes till they hurt and left the bathroom stall. I looked at my reflection, my skin lost its natural radiance, my eyes were sullen and black all around, my body looked so fragile that a small swoosh of air could brake its bones any second now.

I washed my face with ice cold water, since the boiler wasn't working, there was no way in hell I'd go back to that class. I locked the bathroom door and just stayed there, waiting for the familiar bell to ring.


Dad was already in the apartment before I came, I dropped my backpack on the counter and grabbed me an apple out of the fridge, and was about to close the door when Dad stopped me midway and fetched himself a bottle of water.

He grabbed his cellphone and keys from the dish near the door and left the apartment, I should've told Ms. Terry that being a doctor was not on my list. I didn't know what was on my list, I for sure didn't want to be a teacher, nor a lawyer, I have a long way ahead of me, I'll leave Future Chloe to figure this out.

When I was six I wanted to be a ballerina, oh the days! I practiced on my own in my room, I'd watch the Nutcracker and copy her every move. My first grade teacher thought I was a nuisance for dancing a lot in class, she had to call the principal so that they could get me to stop dancing. Oh the support!

I opened the 'family' laptop, it was Dad's but he bought himself a second one, he thought this one reminded him of the 90's, even though he used it a lot. I was only allowed to use it for school purposes.

It was open to Dad's email, I normally don't go through his private things, but just as I was about to open another browser, an email title caught my eye...

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