CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The Pumpkin Pie Guy

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I spun around to find Kit smiling at me. Immediately I was aware of how ridiculous I probably looked with a frog on one shoulder and a cat draped over the other. "You again," was all I could think to say.

His hazel eyes twinkled. "Nice to see you, too. All of you," he said, his grin widening as he looked at Muffet and Alfonso. Yes, he was definitely laughing at me.

It reminded me of how he had called me a tourist in that annoying, self-assured way and I drew myself up to my full, not-very-impressive height. I still barely came up to his chin. "Sorry, I can't chat. I've got important errands to do."

"Your friend Maud's not with you today," he observed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I noticed how toned they were – probably from lifting pumpkins – and cleared my throat. He was still grinning like he knew everything I was thinking.

"She's working." I paused. "Wait a minute. How do you know her name? I didn't introduce you last time."

"Everyone here knows Maud," he said quickly. "She's pretty famous. She's in the tabloids all the time."

My jaw dropped. "What's Maud been doing to get into the tabloids?"

Kit laughed. "Keep your frog on, princess. They're all in there every now and then, whenever there's some big wedding. Don't worry, you don't need to be ashamed of your fairy godmother."

"Anyway, shouldn't you be working?" I asked. "I've been in here twice but I've never seen you at the pumpkin stall."

Kit tilted his head, grinning. "Oh, were you looking for me?"

"No!" I said, feeling my face heat up. "I'm just interested in the cart because my dad grows pumpkins. Anyway, I gotta run. Nice chatting with you."

"Wait, I'm going the same way! My lunch break's over soon. Maybe I can help you find what you're looking for." He fell into step beside me, which I found that I didn't mind. Only because it was easier to navigate the crowds with his broad shoulders clearing the way, of course.

"You said your dad grows pumpkins?" Kit said.

"Yeah. Good pumpkins, too," I replied. "I saw the ones at your stall. They're okay."

He laughed. "My boss Mallory would have a fit if she heard you say that. She's proud as punch about them. She was so depressed when some pompous bighead got first place at the Finale fair."

I froze. "Excuse me? Some pompous bighead?"

"Yeah." Kit stared at me. "Her words, not mine."

"Your boss is a sore loser and I would seriously rethink working for her if I were you," I said, disgusted. "There's the pumpkin stall. Good day."

"Noelle, come on, wait. Don't be mad," he said, grabbing my arm. "I'm sure Mallory didn't mean what she said. She was just upset about losing. Please don't be mad, okay?" His hand felt warm and reassuring on my elbow.

"Fine," I said, but my voice didn't sound as grudging as I wanted it to. A little flustered by my own outburst, I looked around for a distraction and spotted the glass charm cart. "Let's go over there for a second. I want to check something out."

"Looking for a souvenir to take home to Indigo?" Kit asked mischievously, watching as I made a beeline for the little glass shoe I had admired.

I looked at him, impressed that he had remembered where I lived, but didn't have a chance to respond before the elegant vendor swept over with a ruby smile.

"That shoe is one of my favorite charms. It would be lovely on a chain, wouldn't it?"

I nodded. "How much is it?" When she named her price, I took a step back, shocked. "Why is it so expensive?"

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