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I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I lay on the hard ground of the stony meadow that stretches before us. I sit up to see Scar organizing food finding patrols. Some of the teens had stayed with us (ten, including Annabeth and Lydia), but others had gone off to be loners in the lonely, desolated world.

"Ahh, finally avwake are vwe Rose?" Quick asks, sitting down beside me. He was still greiving the loss of Jack and Jerome too, but he didn't let it show. He was good at that, and he tried to help Rose as much as possible. It's been only one day since we escaped, and I've just sat here, grieving. But I know realize that that's not what Jack would want me to do. He would've told me to stay strong. "Vwhat do you say vwe go on patrol togezer, hmm?"

"Sure Quick!" I replied, smiling and standing up with him. "I'd be glad to." We walk past Sam, who sleeps on a more grassy patch of land. He almost died because of Clarrise's arrows, but they had been able to revive him. The Leaons had hung around with them, having found a bond between their King and Scar. They now lay on the large rocks that surround Sam, guarding him with their ever watchful eyes. Scar nods to us as we walk past her guarding position.

"May we join you?" A soft voice asks from behind. I turn to see Red, the red-haired girl that Rose had saved, and Lydia standing there. I nodded, and all four of us headed off to the right, towards the tall forest that bordered the meadow. I hear a cry above my head, and look up to watch as a herd of Draco fly by over our heads and disappear into the rising sun. It's odd to think that we escaped the Arena, but it feels good to be free. And even though we are out of the Arena now, we will always be known as the Victors, the Conquerors, the Shadows.

Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this last chapter...or is it? I need your help! If you have an idea for a sequel to the Shadows, go ahead and shoot me a PM! I will give you full credit for your idea, but I'll also take some credit for the writing myself. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed!!
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